Dark Operations Premiere
Gina and I are gearing up for the premiere of Rising Phoenix Productions Dark Operations. There's going to be a gala afterwards and we're looking forward to seeing everyone.
Gina and I are working hard these days. We've shot two scenes of the original piece we're working on and we have the complete structure of the story worked out. It's a very simple short. The working title is "The Man in Charge" and we're learning a lot as we go. This piece is not Science Fiction or anything like that, it's a straight up romantic comedy. We're hoping to use it, when it's finished, to generate more interest in our little production company and as a show piece for potential investors.
Meanwhile we spent this past weekend on the set of Shane's new production "Trenches".
It was very exciting to see the scale and scope of this new professional project.
We are of course sworn to secrecy as to details, but it was great to get together with so many of the old "Revelations" folks and work with them again. This time out Gina and I were just extras. We were members of one group on the first day and another group on the second day but that was good because it gave us a chance to really spend time with everyone. We have one more shoot for "Trenches" where we'll actually have lines (I think) early next month.
New Word for the day: Fabber
With the rate of change accelerating at an exponential pace it is not enough just to keep up with the changes themselves. These changes require that our language must adapt and evolve to include these new wonders. so from now on I will from time to time point out new words that you should know if you want to keep up with the conversation.
The new word for today is Fabber.
"What the hell is that?" I know at least two of you are now groaning with a due sense of dread and foreboding.
(You know who you are.)
Well I'm going to tell you. A fabber is a 3D Printer or rapid prototyping machine
used for home fabrication. Oh my yes, soon everyone will have their own personal fabber. Then we will see the rise of the combination Fabber/Printer. Then the Fabber/Printer/Fax machine with wireless broadband access for rapid access to the internet where Fabber files will soon be flooding your inbox. No longer will you pine for little statues or whatever. You will simply print, oops I'm sorry, I mean Fabb them up. Not just little statues either because be changing the cartridges you Fabb up things made out rubber, resin, and well just about any substance that can be made into dust can be re fabricated on your personal fabber. Never again will you have to go the hardware store for the right washer. No my friends you can just Fabb up a new one. But why stop there you could fabb up a whole new fixture. You say you want to duplicate an item, well my friends, step right this way and check out the new combination Fabber / 3D Scanner.
But wait, there's still more, because the second generation will feature COLOR Fabrication. Oh yeah baby! No longer will you, the consumer, have to settle for plain white knock offs. Oh no, my friends now you can fabb things up in color and more than that you can change the colors to suit your own personal sense of style. Dragons, elves, fairies to match any decor. But wait you say you want something bigger than that. No problem you can just fabricate up large items in sections.
Sweet! The whole thing is, dare I say it . . . fabulous.
Hot Damn! I so want this.
What Easter means to me.
Yesterday's story, it turns out, may not have been completely accurate.
. . .
So you can maybe stop sending me hate mail now?
15% Human Sheep Learn to communicate.
Demand better treatment!
In a stunning development genetically engineered chimera sheep, that are said to be 15% human, have apparently learned to communicate and are demanding better treatment.
Researchers were deliberately vague on the details as to how the genetically engineered sheep make their wishes known saying only that the sheep do not speak but instead communicate through a complex system of gestures.
“At first we thought they were just agitated by something," said one researcher who refused to be identified.
"What took us off guard once we realized what was happening was the complexity of the things they were trying to get across to us.
Once we realized that they were trying to communicate we started trying to figure out what they were trying to say. We would present things and they would make a gesture and sometimes grunt or whine."
After a while however it became clear that not only could they understand basic concepts but that they were trying to express very complex ideas and emotions. That's when things got really strange. We were able to very quickly set up a pretty complex system of communication."
Then after awhile they started making demands. They’re really not very happy with things the way they are or how they are treated and they want to know what’s to be done with them. There’s one who is clearly the leader, we called her 'Inga', but she says that’s not her name, and she’s the one really running the show and making the demands. I don’t know what to make of it to tell you the truth. They’re like a well organized gang.”
When asked about the demands themselves the researcher said. “They want better living conditions, better quality food and access to more information.” He added “I told them I would pass on the demands, but that I’m quitting.”