About this site:
The Elysian Visions Blog Spot
and raving,
wisdom and whimsy,
from the mind of a Madman,
...with links.
Poor grammar.
Adult themes.
Strange opinions.
Obscure references.
Foul language.
Utter madness.
Okay, that's it, you've been warned.
June 30, 2005
My daughter has reactivated her Blog. Good stuff.
NEXT MONTH TOMORROW!!! Where does the time go?
June 29, 2005
proposed development, called "The Lost Liberty Hotel" will feature
the "Just Desserts Café" and include a museum, open to
the public, featuring a permanent exhibit on the loss of freedom in America.
Instead of a Gideon's Bible each guest will receive a free copy of Ayn
Rand's novel "Atlas Shrugged."
Thanks to my daughter Jessica for the link.
If this goes through I am going to go out of my way to take a vacation
June 29, 2005
Gina joins up with Mike
E. Pringle for UFAC.

This family friendly endeavor is another independent project but
with some corporate backers.
I may also ride Gina's coattails again into a role in this production
June 24, 2005
A healthy dose of Truth
From the Boston Globe The
return of '1984' By H.D.S. Greenway.
From the LA Times Supreme
Court Expands Power of Eminent Domain by David G. Savage.
From the Pioneer Press Flag-burning
amendment erodes your rights by Glenda Holste.
"What county can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are
not warned from time to time that its people preserve the spirit of
- Thomas Jefferson
Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it.
- George Bernard Shaw, Liberty
Truth : the most deadly weapon ever discovered by humanity. Capable
of destroying entire perceptual sets, cultures, and realities. Outlawed
by all governments everywhere. Possession is normally punishable by
- Richard Childers
June 21, 2005
Nick's Graduation!
This is a very significant event for us.
This particular graduation marks a very specific milestone, not just
for Nicholas, but for Gina and I as well. You see after many trials
and tribulations, after many sleepless nights, after many slammed doors
(with the requisite "I hate you!" screamed
through them), this was the last graduation for us. We had four right
in a row, but this one is the last. This is, for Gina and I, the end
of dealing with the school system. No more preschool shopping, no more
lost permission slips, no more missed busses, forgotten homework, calls
about missed days, concerns about snow days and coordinating family
vacations around school schedules. Gone, all gone, and I for one could
not be happier about it. I had always hated the school system as a student
growing up, and as a parent with kids in school, I found I didn't like
it much better. Let us not however digress into a diatribe about the
shortcomings of the American public school system. Instead let us say
Congratulations to Nick and quietly reflect on our good fortune
through out all of this.
June 15, 2005
Divx releases new version 6 player featuring "Revelations".
YES! That's right, you heard it here first. Divx is releasing a new
player and giving away Revelations with the various commentary
tracks included.
I just checked it out and man it is cool.
Go see for yourself here.
More details here.
June 13, 2005
How the hell did it get to be June 13th already?
Anyway, here we are. Gina and I now have our first agent in NYC and
things are looking good. The only problem is that our new agent only
does Television commercials. That's not bad, but I really want to break
into Sci Fi television. One must start somewhere however, and this is
as good a place as any.
June 5, 2005
Revelations Action figures?
No, not really. (Relax Shane!)
My buddy Tim of Creatures and Characters did these concept
drawings of Gina and I as Revelations action figures.
I laughed my ass off at the sight of these things. Thanks Tim!
Also check out an excellent article by Dan Neil about Revelations,
Independent Fan Films and the future of Hollywood here.
This guy gets it.
He's totally asking the right questions.
June 3, 2005
Force IV:
'The 3rd Star Walking Star Wars Fan Film Festival'
Star Walking for those who don't know (and I certainly didn't)
is the Star Wars Appreciation Society of Australia. The reason
that is important is that when "Revelations" won the
recent Balticon Film Festival some people accused us of somehow fixing
the results by having more people there. More people know us in the
Baltimore MD area, more of us could be there to vote on our film, and
so on. My statements that there were over a hundred ballots cast in
that Film Festival, and that only a handful of us voted on our own film,
and that that wasn't really enough to throw the results one way or the
other given the margin of victory were met with derisive comments and
'Whatever' attitudes at best.
What we have here then is an agency that we had no influence over.
I can assure you that no one flew over to Australia to vote, or even
campaign, for our little movie.
This then is a more honest review, by a more objective audience.
All of that being said, here then are the results:
Posted 30th May, 2005
Winners of 'The 3rd Star Walking Star Wars Fan Film Festival' are
Best Live Action: Revelations
Best Animation: Run Leia Run
Best Actor: (Ian Rooney) Betrayal
Best Actress: (Gina Hernandeq) Revelations
Cinematography: Betrayal
Production Design: Revelations
Editing: Revelations
Visual Effects: Revelations
Best Trailer: Rob Hamilton for 'Desert Duel'
Fan Choice: Tim's New Hope
Enteries for 'The 3rd Star Walking Star Wars Fan Film Festival' were:-
Betrayal (Australia)
Dark Blood (Australia)
George Lucas Legend of the Force (New Caledonia)
Revelations (USA)
Run Leia Run (USA)
Tim's New Hope (Australia)
Wrath of the Mandalorian (Australia)
Needless to say I am very proud of the "Best Actress" credit
in particular. (As an aside to those anonymous
posters of various forums, Slashdot and theforce.net for instance, who
unfairly and with needless malice criticized our acting in general and
Gina's performance in particular, I'd just like to say;
You petty, jealous, mean spirited, cowardly little bastards!
. . .
Usually I try to refrain from stooping to their level, but . . . what
the hell,
I'm feeling very happy and proud and justified . . . so screw them.
I'd like to extend a thank you to the good folks at Star Walking; with
quiet acknowledgment of the little known Australian quirk of replacing
the letter "z" with the letter "q" when it appears
at the end of Spanish sounding names. ;-)
As well as my most sincere congratulations and best wishes to the other
Link here.
June 2, 2005
I'm now listed on IMDB. Gina is also and I just submitted her picture
for them so it should be up in 72 hours or so. The IMDB Revelations
listing is starting to populate and it looks really good. In spite of
all of this good news however WE STILL NEED AN AGENT!!!! Every
attempt to network to an agent has so far met with nothing but frustration.
It's as if these guys can't see what is happening right in front of
Meanwhile, while at Balticon, we met with our buddies over at Rising
Phoenix Productions and things have really started to take shape for
them. Their production, in which Gina is slated to play a sexy, psychotic
killer and I've been cast as a megalomaniacal Vice Admiral, is really
starting to look quite serious.
June 1, 2005
"And now for something
completely different . . ."
This month's new theme will be Monty Python and the
Holy Grail. Thanks to Sir Eric of Y. for the suggestion. Now
while I don't like to repeat myself I feel obliged once again to point
out that I am really very goddamn busy. This past holiday weekend was
spent at Balticon. The highlight of which for us was "Revelations"
winning the movie festival there sponsored by the Baltimore Science Fiction
Back at home a good friend took care of the house, dog and last remaining
child. All was very well indeed upon our return. Having spent another
weekend out of town however, we find ourselves even further behind and
even updating this blog has become simply too much to get to some of the
Sorry for that but here it is.
This Month's
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Too much info
about me.
independent, fan film; Starring Gina.
No comments! Get your own page.
For positive feedback:
Send an e-mail via the link below.
For negative feedback:
Just don't bother. I won't read it. I don't want to hear it.
I don't care. Whatever!
Anything else:
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send me an e-mail.
Convention |
February 11, 12 & 13, 2005 |
Premiere |
April 16th, 2005 |
Leave Convention |
July 8, 9, & 10, 2005 |
Renaissance Festival |
August 6 through September 25,
2005 |
Renaissance Festival |
August through October, 2005 |
NJ Renaissance Fair |
September 17 &18, 2005 |