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I don't really know what to say about this.
August 23, 2005 Damn cool stuff read the full story here. August 22, 2005 We demand answers! An online petition by John Kerry to demand some tough answers form the current administration. Join the fight! Demand the truth! Meanwhile, on the personal front, things continue to accelerate. Still, the strippers at Delilah's Den in PA were very nice. August 17, 2005 Spent the night dancing badly and being killed by "The ARP". Gina and I had the pleasure of working with the folks over at http://www.youfilm.com/ on their latest project, called "The Arp". Apparently 'The Arp' is a Cambodian boogeyman of some sort, with glowing eyes, who floats around in the dark and attacks people by ripping out their hearts. Both Gina and I had the honor of getting killed on camera during a spring dance event in the plot. It was a lot of fun and good experience for all of us. Also Sam and his team were very generous to us. I took about 6 hours in all to film the dance and a few murders. To say nothing of the make out scene between our boy Nicholas and a very attractive actress who was also at the shoot. (That kid just does not appreciate me! Honestly!) Of course both of them also had to be killed in the movie because, as you know, sinful kids who make out always die in horror movies. I played Principal Stevenson and Gina played Secretary Caley. We went out of our way to look very high school administration like and to dance very badly when we danced at all. In other news; I meant to point to this weeks ago but, whatever, here it is. Got to http://www.richerdeeperbroader.com/ Select Search Stories and enter sfelux in the Nickname Search field where it says "Type Username". You will need Java and Flash and blah, blah, blah but it's a pretty cool commercial for Verizon DSL featuring Shane and Revelations. August 15, 2005 OMFG! I AM FREAKING OUT! This is it. My sanity has been stretched too far and now I am officially over the line. I have crossed over from the reality I have known and am now firmly over my head in Twilight Zone. I don't mean the shallow part of the Twilight zone where evil dolls talk and dead lovers call once in a while to chat; I mean the deep, bat-shit crazy end of the Twilight Zone where there are no goddamn rules at all, my friends. We are through the looking glass and it has shattered behind us. Up is White! Left is Seven! The American way of life, our ideals, our dreams, all of it is in jeopardy. We've lost our way thanks to an anti-intellectual, greedy, stupid administration with no conscious at all. For the first time in my life, good people whom I know are ashamed of being American. The propaganda machines work day and night, not to enlighten or explain, but merely to sow more confusion. To blind us to the truth that in our hearts we all know and dread. Everywhere decent people cast about helplessly and ask aloud "How could we have come to this?" "How can we fix it?" "Who, if anyone, can set things right again?" NOW, we see the first glimmer of what our desperation has wrought. The true shape of things to come and it is as alien and insane . . . as it is perfect. There is no way we could have guessed, yet somehow we feel we should have known. Who could have guessed in a million years it would come to this. Years from now when people ask 'What was it Frank? What finally pushed you over the edge?' I will laugh maniacally and tell them about the day I heard that "Christopher Walken is running for President in 2008." The site keeps timing out but you can check out the Google Cache here. August 9, 2005 Back, safe and sound! Space shuttle Discovery touched down at 8:12 a.m. EDT at the back-up landing site in California's Mojave Desert. Good show! August 8, 2005 Like Royalty
Interesting story about these pictures; this was opening day at the NY fair this year. While looking into going we found a program called Friends of Faire, and it sounded interesting, so we thought we would check into joining. Well as we were waiting for them to be able to come take our money (such and such isn't here, you'll have to wait.) (UM . . okay?!) someone says to Gina, "Oh, you know you won't be able to wear that if you join, only Royals get to wear purple." Now frequent readers can, I am certain, just imagine my reaction to this news but this story is not about me. So we'll skip a bit here to a few minutes later as Gina tries to calm me down and leave me a little distance away so she can go reason with the folks of FOF. (The basic point I tried to raise was I was not about to pay to join a group that will then tell me what I can or cannot wear, thank you very much.) Gina, however, was certain that the whole thing was just a misunderstanding and that if I would just bow out she could settle the whole matter with her usual good grace. She explained that this new dress was only purple because she literally had the material in her craft room and had just made the dress to have something new to wear this weekend and we weren't SCA members or anything. The situation, as she reported back to me, was that if we joined and we wore purple, then during the hour when we would be required on subsequent visits to volunteer (I'm sorry, what?!), we would have to work behind the scenes because, you know, 'only Royals get to wear purple'. "So let me get this straight," I said with what I thought was remarkable calm and self control, "they want me to pay to join a group that will require me to spend an hour here, working for the fair, on any days that I can make it here AND wants to tell me what I can and can't wear. Why EXACTLY are we still standing here?" Thus, we left and decided to keep our money and forgo the benefits of FOF status in favor of doing and wearing whatever the hell we want. Huzzah! For me that was the end of it. A few minutes and another beer later, the entire affair had been forgotten . . . or would have been if Gina had not worked herself up into a genuine rage about it for the next hour or so. She was at the point of planning to make purple costumes for anyone who will wear them up there before she finally let it go. Anyway here are the pictures, I think she looked great. (Sorry about the quality but I took them with ye old cell phone.) Links Thismodernworld.com
has a brilliant version of the President's weekly radio address here. Also check out the latest news and images from Mimas
in the Saturn system and keep an eye out for the return of Discovery
and the MRO
launch later this week.
August 6, 2005 Repilee Q1 is the latest thing in Android Technology. Here is a related BBC story.
August 4, 2005
NASA creates first generation TRICORDER
Cloning, . . . for cats?!!! The Cat technology of tomorrow . . . TODAY! Remember that movie "The Sixth Day"? (That's the name, I kid you not. Cut to scene of Jimmy Stewart at the head of an angry mob yelling "I don't have your cat's DNA, it's in Bill's cat, and Fred's cat." Followed preview style of scenes with him running down a snow covered street yelling "Merry X-mas 3D holo-house!" "Merry X-Mas you old Savings & Clone" No, wait, I've got it! We'll re-shoot the entire movie "It's a Wonderful Life" only set in the far future. Bert and Ernie will be Androids. Clarence will be an AI avatar instead of an angel. Mr. Potter will be played by an actual giant CG Spider; "You sit around here and you spin your grand webs and you think the whole world revolves around you and your money! Well, it doesn't, Mr. Potter! In the whole vast configuration of things, I'd say you were nothing but a scurvy giant spider!" We will pit traditional family values against the alienation of a modern world gone mad with technology and genetic engineering . . . okay, maybe not.) No, but seriously folks, if you have $32,000.00 and just can't live
without your recently departed cat, these guys can set you up. Now it
takes a long time to do, and you need to "bank" your cat's
DNA in advance of course. (Otherwise, you have only five days to get
them the dead cat because after that it's no longer viable.) In addition,
as it is a clone, it will not be an exact copy, it will be a kitten.
A twin of the cat you lost. Now I am not going to even ask, let alone try to answer, the questions that all this raises. I'm not even going to share my views on it with you. Not because I don't care, or suddenly find myself judgment impaired over this, but because I respect you gentle reader. Go check this out for yourself. Wrap your synapses around it, and let it soak into your neurons. Mull it over, consider all the implications. Remember the future? I don't mean remember the future in an Alice in
Wonderland memory that works both ways or Merlin aging backwards sense.
I mean the concept; 'The Future!' "Every day we're standing in a time capsule
August 1, 2005 Thanks to Patrick for the suggestion. |
08/27/2003 |