November 3, 2004
In fact I don't believe it. I don't for one minute think that millions
of extra voters showed up to support the current administration. I just
don't buy it. What would I do? I would start seizing voting machines
all over the country and testing them to see if when a Kerry vote is
entered, a Bush vote is registered some percentage of the time. The
machines are not being used anymore, there is no reasonable objection
to such a test and I believe it would provide proof that these results
are bogus. This would be what we need to contest the entire election.
I don't think that is going to happen though.
I think we're heading for a revolution . . . or a civil war.
October 27, 2004
Happy Birthday to an old friend!
You know who you are.
Meanwhile, in space, Cassini is beaming back fresh, close
up pictures of Saturn's moon Titan.
While at the same time we have total Lunar
Eclipse tonight.
All on my buddy's birthday . . .
Well, yeah probably.
Still it's pretty cool.
Also on a personal note, I got some really good news on the work front.
Can't say too much here, but things are certainly looking up.
October 25, 2004
Gina gets back into the "Swing" of things.
Okay so a few weeks ago Gina started buying "Backstage" and
looking around for local auditions. She caught wind of one down at a
South Jersey college about tragic family incident, called "Swing."
It's called that because part of the action happens around a playground
swing. (You pigs!)
Anyway she decides to get her feet wet and go audition. Her first audition
since we finished Revelations. The script calls for a very small cast
and only one woman principal.
Needless to say she got the part.
Nobody was surprised except Gina herself. I want to stress that.
Now this is some kind of club project by the students so they've been
shooting on weekends.
In the movie Gina plays an abused wife and mother.
This past Sunday Gina let me drive her down and watch the shoot.
So here are a couple of behind the scenes pictures.
Gina getting her makeup on.

Gina on the set.
Close up on the makeup after Gina took off the nose

October 22, 2004
Multiple entries:
First up . . . "It's the Brain!"
This has got me freaking out:
. . experimental ''brain'' interacts with an F-22 fighter jet flight
simulator through a specially designed plate called a multi-electrode
array and a common desktop computer.
essentially a dish with 60 electrodes arranged in a grid at the bottom,''
DeMarse said. ''Over that we put the living cortical neurons from rats,
which rapidly begin to reconnect
themselves, forming a living neural network -- a brain.''
Uh huh. That's very interesting professor,
yes, just one question . . . ARE
On a lighter note:
Kirk & Spock '04
(Yeah, right, if only!)
A couple of friends sent this
over from 'the Ferret'.
Very good stuff!
Sorry for the recent lack of posts, very busy here at work.
October 12, 2004
This past weekend
This past weekend was great. We had some of the old Integrity crew
get together with some of the Revelations crew and a few of our other
new friends and everyone had a fine time.
Here are some pictures:
Here are Gina and I participating in the renewal of
our vows. |
Here we are with Cardinal Sinnius Vice who urged us
to "Go and Sin some more!"
Hmmm . . . My kind of Cardinal! |
Here is Gina with Chris T. and our buddy Brian S.
Here is a group shot with Carry, Brian S., Gina, Sarah,
Rob H.(in the back), Jo, and as Gandalf Brian G. |
Not pictured here but also in attendance were Brian
G.'s Brother in law Josh, Shane and Dawn, and their kids Ian and
Quite a crowd, I hope I didn't miss anyone.
It was great fun to have a good portion of the old Integrity crew together
again. At one point I wished out loud that I had a LARP prepared for them.
It's always fun to introduce old friends to new friends and to see everyone
getting along and having a good time.
All in all, Gina and I had a most romantic and fun time.
More pictures by Sarah, whom we thank, can be found here:
October 11, 2004
Do you know this man?
Global law enforcement networks want to know.
Current theories are that he is;
Mycroft Rex Hernandez (AKA: Racer X); long lost older brother
of Frank J. Hernandez
or an evil, alternate reality version of the aforementioned Mr. Hernandez.
or the first horseman of the apocalypse.
If you have any information on this man send a letter
with two proofs of purchase of Quisp or Quake cereal,
a SASE and a DNA sample to:
Oh Sweet Jebus! This can't be happening
Care of: Why hast thou forsaken us Jebus?
PO BOX 666
Murray Hill Station
NY, NY 02112
Brought to you by Quisp and Quake.
Void where prohibited.
And the madness continues . . .
Needless to say Gina is barely speaking to me.
October 11, 2004
Sad news today.
Christopher Reeve has died.
October 8, 2004
Quick Notes
I'm looking forward to the slaughter
debates tonight.
Then tomorrow we're headed down to the MD Renaissance festival for "Romance
Lots of friends, old and new, are planning to meet us down there so
it should be fun.
October 6, 2004
Now underway.
Note the music on the FLASH on the front page is from the movies original
Whoa! That's cool!
In other news; Edwards won the VP debate last night.
It wasn't the rout that the Presidential debate was, but Edwards was
clearly the winner.
I was sad to see that Rodney Dangerfield has died. He made me laugh.
I hear 7-UP may be holding a contest where the winner gets a seat on
Hmmmmm . . . I need to buy some 7-UP.
Although Gina has made it clear that, if I win, I will be going up
alone. Hmph!
Anyway go check out the Revelations site updates by clicking the image
October 5, 2004
And the winner is:
Quantum Chromodynamics
and Asymptotic Freedom - for all.
The Nobel Prize for Physics has been awarded to a trio of scientist
for their work in the hunt for a grand unification theory. Very important
stuff here having to do with the origin of the universe, the structure
of matter and even the underlying nature of gravitation.
I can almost feel that flying car now.
Here is the story and some related links.
For just the facts: Reuters
For the basics: Wikipedia
For a straight shot of the hard stuff: Physics
Read it, learn it, know it, live it, love it.
October 4, 2004
SpaceShipOne to shoot for X-prize today
Some random thoughts about this; I spent most of the weekend watching
Tom Hanks' "From the Earth to the Moon" miniseries.
This is a really good series that catches a lot of the zeitgeist of
the early space age. I heard someone say once that the entire space
program of the sixties and early seventies was as if President Kennedy
had captured a decade from the 21st century and pulled it into the 20th
One of the things that caught my attention on this viewing was during
the episode where they cover the design and construction of the Lunar
Excursion Modules. The character explains that everything for the LEM
had to be handmade since there was no manufacturer you could just order
LEM parts from. Contrast this with what we see today with the advent
of various X-prize competitors and space worthy vehicles assembled largely
from commercially available parts.
For instance think for a moment about the old LEM onboard computers.
Each custom made and with far less power than the most basic desktop
of today.
We are entering the age not only of commercially available space flight
but very soon of privately affordable space flight.
Anyway that's just me waxing optimistic.
I'll be watching the attempt of SpaceShipOne via live webcast
October 1, 2004
Our new theme this
month will be . . .
The Nightmare Before Christmas
I love this movie.
Enough about that though, let's talk some more about the Presidential
debates last night. I've been watching the Republican spin doctors work
themselves into a lather about how Bush didn't really lose.
I'm not sure who they are trying to convince; us or themselves. I watched
the debates myself, live, very carefully and I can tell you Bush
lost and Kerry won. No doubts, no close calls, no "merely held
his own," Kerry kicked ass, plain and simple. He was direct, clear,
personable and professional. By comparison Bush looked defensive, childish,
and ill-informed. Bush repeated himself constantly, he would try desperately
to get the attention of the moderator to get the floor only to stare
blankly into the camera once he had it and then repeat his talking points
again. He had the look of a man who having bought into his own hype
is surprised when someone lifts a veil and the cold, hard truth swings
out and hits him right between the eyes.
The other thing that surprises me about it is the school yard like tactics
of the Republicans. Today Bush was making speeches trying to do damage
control, and he looked like a school yard bully who, having been soundly
taken down a peg the day before, now wanted to reestablish his position
as top dog. Having had time and, let's face it, more than a little help
to think of some clever comebacks he now sets out, when the other guy
isn't around, to try and salvage his tough guy reputation. Pathetic.