About this site:

The Elysian Visions Blog Spot

Ranting and raving, wisdom and whimsy,
from the mind of a Madman,

...with links.

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Adult themes.
Strange opinions.
Obscure references.
Foul language.
Utter madness.

Okay, that's it, you've been warned.

Star Wars: Revelations

Reports, Reviews and Links:

Knight Ridder

Baltimore Sun

Inside Report

USA Today




May 24, 2005

Zvue, PSP, Revelations and predicting the future

i-Newswire reports HandHeld Entertainment announced today that its personal media player, the ZVUE, and the Sony PSP have been selected as the devices of choice for playing Star Wars Revelations, the Star Wars-themed 'fan film' that has been downloaded over a million times.

How about that?
People continue to download, and watch Revelations and, by a vast majority, to enjoy it. The positive feedback we keep getting is very gratifying, as is the fan mail and media coverage. One of the things that has happened, that I predicted, was that Revelations has taken the art of the fan film from a little known fringe culture and pushed into the mainstream. Never before has so much positive media attention been garnished by any other fan film that wasn't a spoof. Don't get me wrong, I'm not taking any credit for this personally. I know all too well that the person most responsible for all of this is Shane. The question is what next? Shane will no doubt gain the recognition and acclaim he so richly deserves, but what then? What will his next project be? Who will be involved? And what of the rest of us? Will we simply return to our 9 to 5 jobs or will being involved in this vanguard project lead to more work acting, writing, etc.? A few people I know, and respect, have made it clear that they expect this to happen to me in very short order. The question is are they just carried away by the excitement of all of this or am I too close to see that they might be right?
One person in particular, whom I respect deeply as someone far smarter than I am, has made it clear that he believes that I will be offered a principal role in some up coming professional production or other, very soon.
He is so certain in fact, that the other day, when I went to log into my work computers remotely and I couldn't, I called him and asked him (jokingly) if I had been fired.
His response was; "What do you care? You'll be working in TV or movies before the month is out and will have forgotten all about us."
. . .

That will teach me to joke with those smarter than I.
(The problem that kept me from logging in turned out to be a reset UPS under the desk in my office, for those who simply must know.)

. . .

The thing is though, that he wasn't really joking. He was serious, and the thing that sticks in my mind now is that in the few years I've known this person, I can't think of a single time when he made a prediction of any sort that wasn't later proven spot on. Not once! I'm not talking about some paranormal ability to read tea leaves here. What I mean is that this guy's mental model of life, the universe and everything is simply that good. So while I'm not certain if he is right this time his predictions certainly have my attention.

Meanwhile I'm keeping my focus on the huge project here at work I have undertaken.
As always things are going smoothly, if somewhat more slowly than I expected.

May 23, 2005

In the news

Okay the CBS thing wasn't great, but the CNN thing was and now there is a link:


or (if that won't open)

You can try my local version here.

Also we are in Entertainment Weekly in this coming issue with a picture of Gina and everything. Gina has been subscribed to EW for years, so for her to find herself in it is very gratifying indeed. There is a write up on both ROTS and Revelations and they gave both a B-! So clearly they were taking the budget of Revelations into account. Very generous of them that. Anyway I hear tell of great stirrings in the force around Shane and Panic Struck - but so far it's all rumor and talk. Gina continues to get Fan mail and WE STILL NEED AN AGENT . . . or two. I'm just saying. It seems strange to us that with all this attention and positive feedback we are still without representation. Time will tell I suppose.

May 20, 2005


Shane was on Anderson Cooper 360 on CNN tonight and it TOTALLY ROCKED!!!!

Whose house? SHANE'S HOUSE!
Whose house? SHANE'S HOUSE!

CBS Evening News, Weekend Edition

Gina and I met with the very nice Abbi Gleeson of CBS and did an interview in NYC yesterday. Abbi was just great and the interview went really well. The only problem was that we had to shoot it outside and I honestly don't know how much of what they got, that they will be able to use just because of background noise and distractions. We'll see I guess. (Thanks also to Tom and Tim the sound and camera guys from CBS.) There was also a crew sent down to Shane and Dawn's house. I believe the whole thing is being cut together and is set to air on Saturday but I'm unclear about the time. In any case Shane will be on Anderson Cooper 360 on CNN tonight, (although it has been pushed back twice so far though, so no promises.) and we just seem to be getting more and more press. It's a bit of a surprise too because we thought for certain the when "Revenge of the Sith" came out people would lose all interest in us, but this seems not to be the case. Speaking of ROTS one of the coolest things about it was that it was that, as near as we could tell, nothing in it contradicted anything in "Revelations". Our movie seems to fit into the overall scheme of things almost flawlessly.

May 17, 2005

Added New Header

Look I'm really busy these days. Okay?
A few additional notes here however. The end of Enterprise was great. Also Shane was on MSNBC again with Tim Brazeal of http://www.saveenterprise.com/ and they totally kicked ass! The show tried to make them look like geeks by having them fight about which is better Star Trek or Star Wars. Instead they were both respectful and well spoken and made the host look petty and childish by comparison. I for one was very proud. As a side note if Shane and Tim do decide to produce a new, independent project I want to play the Captain!
It's only like, the dream of my entire life, that's all.

May 12, 2005

Great article in USA Today

Couple of notes here; First sorry to be so late getting this update in. Worked most of the night and early this morning. Anyway the article really is great, but if you actually buy the paper, the picture is just huge! The picture and headline make up almost a quarter of the page! USA Today is also hosting a version of the trailer. Also the article quotes George Lucas right next to Shane. Mr. Lucas says he hasn't seen it yet. (Probably true, I think I heard somewhere that he does have a movie of his own coming out in like a week, or some such.) There is also another picture in the paper of Gina and I in the Bar where Gina looks like she's about to laugh.
So first thing this morning, I got a voice mail from the owner of the company I work for. Who tells me that he's on a plane to Boston, and a couple of rows up someone is reading the paper, . . . and there's a huge picture of Gina and I. He was very impressed.
So go buy the paper if you can and check out page 3D in the Life Section.

May 11, 2005

Link to Shane's interview on MSNBC here.
(NOTE: Must be run from IE as near as I can tell.
Also runs a commercial.)

Gina looking at the marquee, from the red carpet, at the Premiere.

May 11, 2005

The "Revelations" Premiere Special
on Inside Report

Check it out here:

This report is really very, very good. Lots of good interviews with everyone, shots of us behind the scenes, on the red carpet at the premiere, and meeting Sky herself was just great.
A must see!

Also keep a sharp eye out for an in depth CNN report being released shortly, and you may want to pick up a USA Today Newspaper tomorrow (Thursday the 12th).
So what does all of this attention mean to us?
So far, not too much really. We're still looking for agents, going to work, paying the bills, etc.
It has been great fun so far though.

May 10, 2005

About Shane on MSNBC last night.

First of all, before I go off on my rant and you know I'm going to, let me say that, all in all, it went pretty well. Shane gives a good interview. What was most apparent to me however was that someone at the MSNBC end was trying to make Shane (and the rest of us) look like the Star Trek juror. It is obvious to me that when the really big media looks at anything like this all they are really trying to do is reinforce the stereo type of the Science Fiction geek. Much to his credit Shane did not fall into that trap. Shane came off as articulate, professional and well spoken. He spoke about the state of independent film making and the rapid rise of highly effective, low cost software and its impact on independent film making. From Shane's point of view he told me that the entire interview seemed to rush past and he felt badly about not speaking more about his cast, crew and the CG guys he worked with as he did in the longer (and far less stressful) radio interviews. Overall however, it came off very well. The comparison of our clips to the actual clips from the upcoming RoTS was a very nice touch and I thought the "Revelations" stuff stood up pretty well for itself. Too bad they didn't do more of that.

Good job Shane.

May 9,2005

Revelations in the news

Interesting Review on Blogcritics.org
and another interesting piece on fan films
in general titled Lights, Sabers, Action!
in the SF Chronicle by Benny Evangelista.

In related news, I hear rumors of National News coverage starting, well, today.
Can't say too much here, because Shane wants to keep things under wraps but the word is out that a few of the larger news agencies (*Hrph!* MSNBC *Cough* CNN *cough* USA Today, *hrm*, excuse me) may all be running articles and trying to scoop each other over this accelerating story. For starters you might want to check out MSNBC tonight at 5:00 PM EDT for a live interview on Connected Coast to Coast with our director Shane Felux . . . but no promises, and you didn't hear about it from me.

In other new Gina and I are picking up our convention schedule a bit and planning to hit Balticon and Dragon Con in addition to the usual Shore Leave and Farpoint conventions. More on this as time and tide permit.

May 5, 2005


You know, if you watched Revelations, and you didn't like it for any reason, I have no problem with that. We all know the film isn't perfect and some people just may not like Science Fiction or Star Wars in the first place, or may judge it against the professional productions, or just consider it bad because it isn't produced by Lucas himself, or whatever and that's okay. It's all okay with me. I for one don't pay a lot of attention to the critics. I'm proud of the work we've done and the entire project.

However let me tell you what does really get under my skin; one or two folks from the same IP address, registering multiple times (on several sites, for the first time in April), and then writing really negative, mean spirited rants against us, logging off as one user only to log in again as another just to agree with themselves. I mean how pathetic and cowardly is that?

I am not usually the kind of person to suggest what I'm about to suggest, but in light of this new development I'm going to make an appeal to you my loyal readers. I want you to go to Ifilm.com and IMDB.com look up Star Wars: Revelations and rate it for us. Feel free to comment, leave as little or as much information about yourself as you like, and just give your honest opinion of the movie. Tell us and everyone else what you think, where you thought the film was strong and where you thought it was weak. Be honest, be fair, tell us what you think.

Thank you in advance.

May 4, 2005

Happy Star Wars Day!

"May the 4th be with you."

. . .

Look this wasn't my idea, okay.

May 3, 2005

Star Wars Fanworks Interview with Shane

This one is pretty long, but very good and very positive.

To hear it directly click here. (MP3 format)

Corellian Dawn
My only problem with it is that our esteemed director refers to Gina's ship as the Corellian Dawn. That's my ship's name. Early in the production the writers asked me for a suggestion for the name of the Cougar class ship Declan flies. I took my inspiration from James Clavell's book Tai Pan. In the Clavell novel Dirk Struan names all of his ships something 'cloud' to honor his mother. Morning Cloud, Silver Cloud, what-have-you. I wanted to use that same idea of naming the ship like that and as the character was supposed to be a local to Corellia I came up with Corellian Dawn. Of course, I got a hard time from some because they thought I was kissing up to the producer whose name also happens to be Dawn, but there was nothing to that.
During the long nights of the production I spent many hours building the back story for Declan and I came up with this idea of a smuggler who is very successful. This is the guy the Hutt's borrow money from! He keeps a small cargo hold filled with fine black carbon powder that he jettisons as soon as any imperial attempts to board or search his ship. This has led to a wide spread belief, helped by Declan himself, that he has some sort of instant disintegration device aboard his ship that he uses on any contraband before anyone can catch him. This in turn has led to the wide spread opinion, also fostered by Declan, that he has not only never been caught, but is, in fact, impossible to catch.
The fact is however, that all of this, is just a dodge. Declan really only trades in one thing and that's information. He has data storage systems built right into the bulkheads of the ship itself and only Declan knows how to access, retrieve and upload the data. Using his trusty wristcomm unit Declan can upload fantastic volumes of data at incredible speeds which he then makes available to the highest bidder. If the Imperial's even get close to his ship he dumps his carbon powder hold and they never find anything they can charge him with.
Once the Jedi are declared outlaws however, Declan turns his abilities to smuggling them out of harms way, and giving them a lift wherever they might need to go.
I also came up with an origin for Declan but that's a whole other story and leads directly into my idea for the sequel to "Revelations", which I call "I Declan: Hero of the Rebellion".

What are you looking at?
. . . it's just a working title.

May 2, 2005


This month's theme will be Buckaroo Banzai!!!
Thanks to Pete for the suggestion. I love this movie.
Because "the future begins tomorrow!"

Now, about all those "Revelations" links most of you are still looking for.

Where can you go to see Revelations?

Here is the main mirror site hosted by ZAP.

IFILM host "Revelations." here: http://www.ifilm.com/ifilmdetail/2669337?htv=12

The Mirror pool via theforce.net

Finding "Revelations" in the news?

May the Force Be With You, and You, and You
By Clive Thompson on Slate

Star Wars fan film generates close to a million downloads
By John Virata

'Star Wars' on a shoestring By Peter Nowak

Online interview with Shane by Comic Geek Speak.

The Can Magazine canmag.com has a very positive review here.
C-Net gives us an honorable mention of sorts here.
And C-Net has another here.
Kentucky.com has an article about the film and local 328 Studios.
As well as reprint of the Tish Wells - Knight Ridder article here.
NFHQ has a short review here.

Baltimore Sun Revelations Review by John Coffren

REVELATIONS REVIEW Knight Ridder by Tish Wells here.

Other Related Links

Panic Struck Productions

Revelations Main Site (Flash Intro)

Revelations Main site (Post Flash Intro)

Revalations Fanzine Now Free!

Events and Press Page

Frank and Gina's: Revelations Page

This Month's


Too much info
about me.
An independent, fan film; Starring Gina.
Commercial Links
The Onion, America's Finest News Source
Musical Fun

No comments! Get your own page.

For positive feedback:
Send an e-mail via the link below.

For negative feedback:
Just don't bother. I won't read it. I don't want to hear it. I don't care. Whatever!

Anything else:
Click here to send me an e-mail.

Farpoint Convention   February 11, 12 & 13, 2005
Revelations Premiere   April 16th, 2005
Shore Leave Convention   July 8, 9, & 10, 2005
NY Renaissance Festival   August 6 through September 25, 2005
MD Renaissance Festival   August through October, 2005
Lakewood, NJ Renaissance Fair   September 17 &18, 2005
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