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Help support the survivors! September 13, 2005 WTF! This is going to be a very light month here on the blog, because
I'm going on vacation for the end of this month. I don't want to
give too many details here but I will be out town, way out
of town, if you know what I mean. I shall be quite deliberately
out of touch. There should be lots of pictures and news to tell
when I get back though; not that I expect to find a lot of time
for such things upon my return. Work has been . . . well let's just
say it's been very exciting. So much is happening in my life right
now that I cannot find the time to chronicle any of it here. Nothing
horrible you understand just relentless, energy draining activity.
September 4, 2005 (backdated) PA Renaissance Faire Just a couple of quick shots here. Busy as hell here even for me. Gina and I went to the PA Renaissance festival this past Monday and I worked with my new camera. Here is Gina as an elf (working toward Arwen from Lord of the Rings). Me as ummm . . . myself, and a shot of a butterfly I took while learning to use my new Camera. I thought it came out pretty well so here is a reduced version of it.
September 3, 2005 (backdated) Meet Mr. and Mrs. Collins
Congratulations to the newlyweds. I had the honor of acting as best man and a fun time was had by most. More on this as time permits. I took this picture myself and while the photo itself is far from perfect I really feel that it captures the moment perfectly. September 1, 2005 New Orleans The news of this disaster keeps going from bad to worse. I am stunned at the lack of leadership we have seen here. It's not that I expected much, but actually seeing how bad this is, well . . . I am still taken aback by it. Also after seeing the price of gas go through the roof today I'm ready to print up some little signs that say "THANKS! JACKASS!" and put them on the windshield of every H2 and gas guzzling SUV I see. I find it hard to complain about gas prices right now though. It's nothing to what I see happening to people in New Orleans and the rest of the stricken area. All of which is made worse by the fact that most of this was, if not preventable, at least would have been mitigated had we not been misled into deploying valuable lives, time and energy into an illegal, immoral, and un-winnable war. This is the price of willful ignorance, of apathy, of the irresponsible use of our resources, of poor or absent leadership, of partisan politics, of double talk and mealy-mouthed excuses. Not a vauge, undefined price paid sometime later, by someone else. The price is this very real disaster, happening here, now. Our new theme will be BATTLESTAR GALACTICA I love this new show. I never thought I would, but I do. The performance of Edward James Olmos is nothing short of inspirational to me. Plus the writing is really good. My friends and I discuss the direction of the plot and theorize as to what is really going on all the time. My own theory is that the Cylons are running the whole show. The visions, the religious revelations, the stuff that makes no sense, all of it. We're all just hoping that the writers don't drop the ball and that there really is a complete and cogent underlying story.
Today is my daughter's birthday.
08/27/2003 |