About this site:
The Elysian Visions Blog Spot
and raving,
wisdom and whimsy,
from the mind of a Madman,
...with links.
Poor grammar.
Adult themes.
Strange opinions.
Obscure references.
Foul language.
Utter madness.
Okay, that's it, you've been warned.

January 27, 2005
Jamie Foxx, Star Trek and Revelations . . . random
My first experience with Jamie Foxx was some damn, stupid show that
ran right before "Star Trek: Enterprise". I would sit down
five or ten minutes early and put on the appropriate channel and wait
for "Enterprise" to start and invariably end up watching the
end of this insipid sitcom.
Also routinely at this point, some family member or other would walk
through the room, see what was on the TV, and look at me sitting there,
and ask what the hell I was doing. This exact set of circumstances became
so common in fact that I would often not even wait for them to finish
Enter Gina: (Pauses looks at television, glances at me out of the side of
her eye.) "What the hell are you . . . .?"
Gina: "Oh." (Promptly goes back about her business.)
It wasn't always Gina you understand. It could be anyone, but
you get the idea.
(Most people know not to bother me when Star Trek is on.
It's like bothering the dog when he's eating, he probably won't
bite you, but it's still not a great idea.)
Then I went to see "Ray" the movie.
When the movie was over as Gina and I made our way out, I thought to
myself, 'Man that Jamie Foxx is some kind of actor! That's the kind
of actor I'd like to be.'
I'm not kidding, it was that good.
So it was only a mild surprise for me today to hear that he was nominated
for the Oscar not just for "Ray" but also for "Collateral"
which I must confess I have not made time to see yet.
I haven't spoken much to anyone except Gina about my own acting aspirations.
I feel rather like Bart Simpson when his mother suggest to him that
perhaps he will succeed in the life and he says something along the
lines of "Thanks Mom, but we all know, this is the horse to
bet on."(Indicating, of course, his sibling: Lisa.)
So following that, anyone placing bets would, in my estimation, be well
advised to bet on Gina's acting career over mine. For one thing I already
have a fairly successful career and I'm not looking to risk it. Also
the current plan is to use whatever resources I can muster to further
Gina's chances. For another thing Gina has far more charm and charisma
than I feel I do. People like her, and want to do things for her, and
will even go so far as to cast her husband in their movie to get her
to star in it. So there you go. The palin truth is I rode her coattails
into this opportunity. There, I said it!
Plus if all I can ever hope for is playing the angry loner, or serial
killer, or the bad cop, or heavy number 3, in B TV movies - well, then
I'm just not that interested. If I have a shot at this at all I want
to do something that will be fun and challenging as an actor.
I already make a good living thank you anyway.
I don't need to be an actor just to feed my ego.
(In fact, as those familiar with my ego will no doubt attest, feeding
it in anyway is probably a worse idea than trying to put on a sock-puppet
show between me and the television screen during a first run episode
of any Stat Trek. Better to go yank on the dog's tail when he's trying
to eat, while simultaneously keeping the fingers of you free hand playfully
in the vicinity of his mouth. At least you know what you're risking
in the latter case.)
Having said all that, don't get me wrong, I'd love to be a successful
actor. I'm not looking to play the leading man in a major motion picture
opposite Meryl Streep or anything. I wouldn't pass up such an opportunity
to be sure, but I'd settle easily for a principal role on a successful
science fiction series. The way they write some of the better shows
the actors really get a chance to show their stuff. (Reference Patrick
Stewart in the ST:TNG episode "Sarek") Furthermore I really
believe that I could pull that off. Not to put myself in the same boat
as Patrick Stewart whom I consider to be an actor's actor, but I honestly
believe I could do nearly as well in this one kind of environment. Playing
a steady role, growing into a character and then occasionally playing
an alternate reality version of the same character or that character
under an alien influence for example. I'm sure I could do that and I'm
sure I would enjoy it.
The truth however, is that it all comes down to the release of "Revelations"
and what happens after that. I have a few friends I can trust to give
me an honest assessment of what they think of my abilities after that.
Even given that however, I am keenly aware that a portion of the credit
must go to Shane, Jack and the rest of the Revelations crew for making
me look as good as I (hopefully) will look. Meanwhile Gina and
I are doing the foot work of updating the websites, getting new headshots,
looking for professional agents and so on.
As I say though, we will just have to wait and see.
January 26, 2005
Edward James Olmos is THE MAN!
First of all I'm sorry for the recent lack of post but I've been busy,
then snowed in, then sick. I'm feeling a little better today though
and expect to be back at full strength by the end of the week. Now back
to what I was talking about; Edward James Olmos for those of you who
don't know is playing Commander Adama on the new Battlestar Galactica
series. Like many of you I had my doubts about this series. I mean have
you actually gone back and watched the original. It's a train wreck.
I mean of all the silly assed nonsense to try and bring back. Enter
another hero of mine; Ronald D. Moore. When this guy writes for television
he is the man. Anyway I watched and previously reviewed the miniseries,
but over the last few days I had a chance to actually sit down and watch
the new episodes and then go back a re-watch the miniseries and man;
what can I say? Edward James Olmos for President! I totally relate
to the character of Adama and the way Mr. Olmos plays him.
I relate to . . . Commander Adama!?!
What's next? A good revival of "Lost in Space" or "Land
of the Giants" perhaps?
The mind boggles.
January 15, 2005
What can I say? A nearly perfect mission and a stunning success for
the ESA and JPL. As always for every question we answer, we find a thousand
new, more insightful questions. Today the solar system itself is a little
smaller and our knowledge of the universe a little more wondrous. As
these new images and data bring us from speculation about a remote,
cloudy speck in our telescopes, to actual experience about someplace
our avatars have touched.
Titan - right next to Saturn, just down the road aways.
Check out the latest at the ESA site here.
January 13, 2005
Whoa! That's really interesting. Check out this image: Link
It doesn't quite look real does it. Also notice the ground around it.
Very, very interesting.
Looks a little like the meteorites I've seen in the museum.
Story Link here.
January 13, 2005
It's a COSTUME!!!!
"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's
opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation."
- Oscar Wilde
"True courage is to stand against evil, even when we stand
- Richard Edgely
"This must be a Thursday," said Arthur to himself, sinking
low over his beer. "I never could get the hang of Thursdays."
- Arthur Dent (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)
News of the world today, thousands are dead and starving in Asia, the
US has given up the pretence that there were EVER any goddamn WMD's
in Iraq since 1991, mudslides in CA, China eyes Taiwan, HIV infections
on the rise, but never mind any of that - because Prince Harry wore
a Nazi Uniform to a Costume Party.
(Oh NO! Heaven Forefend!)
Then, the poor guy, he goes out and apologizes. Are you kidding me?
It was a COSTUME PARTY you bloody bastards, not a NAZI RALLY.
If you don't know who Colonel Green is, you
don't deserve to know.
Okay, here is what I would do if I were Prince Harry; I would find
(or host myself) a costume party a week for the next three months, and
I would go to every party as someone more and more offensive until people
get the message that IT'S JUST A COSTUME! Napoleon, Genghis Khan, Attila
the Hun, Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, Hitler himself, Hell yes!
Why not? I'd probably throw in Colonel Green just to confuse everyone
but that's just me. Those who think I would not do this; you simply
do not know me. (Of course, if I were Prince Harry I probably would
have been disowned or mysteriously disposed of long before now.)
The over reaction to this is as ridiculous to me as holding trail for
the guy who played Shultz or Colonel Klink on Hogan's Heroes
for war crimes.
This kind of stupidity must be opposed, challenged, and openly laughed
at, not apologized to.
People who are offended too easily should be offended more often!
January 12, 2005
It's all about the Deep Impact probe of the Tempel
Countdown to launch at 1:47 PM EST.
For my part, I'm way more excited about the Huygens
probe headed for Titan this Friday.
I'll be watching that one very closely. What can I say, I love to watch.
January 11, 2005
Master Zap and the Tech of Revelations!
Ah yes, a bit more shameless, self promotion. Seriously though, if
you haven't checked this out, it's pretty damn cool and doesn't give
away anything about the story.
Here's the link: http://panicstruckpro.com/revelations/video/Zap_BTS_clip.mov
Also on another note entirely, I thought I was having a heart attack
last night.
I was watching the "Freaking Sweet" Family Guy DVD with Gina,
Nick and Megan when, after some of the behind the scenes stuff, they
suddenly cut to a scene of the family watching a play or something and
Peter yelling; "What the hell is this?! For Christ sakes,
someone throw a pie or something!"
Now to my credit, I did manage to spit the mouth full of Sprite I had
just chugged, back into the glass. Then I laughed so hard I . . . I
guess I passed out. The next thing I knew I was sitting there, drifting
painfully back to consciousness and I couldn't remember right away what
had just happened. "Something's wrong . . ."
I managed to squeak out. I thought for sure I was having a heart attack,
or stroke, or something. Then, a moment later, I caught my breath and
remembered what had happened; much to the further amusement of Gina.
Still though, I never used to pass out like that.
January 6, 2005
The next big wave will be BPL
Broadband Power Lines
(Oh, ho, yeah baby. That's the stuff.)
"the maximum achievable bit rate was close to a gigabit per
second per kilometer on an overhead medium voltage unshielded U.S. electric
power line that has been properly conditioned through impedance matching.
The gigabit can be shared by a half dozen homes in a neighborhood to
provide rates in the hundreds of megabits per second range, much higher
than DSL and even cable."
Check out the whole article over on the Science Blog: http://www.scienceblog.com/cms/node/6621
There are still some problems to be worked out but with a preexisting
infrastructure and a guaranteed market, there is no doubt that this
is going to happen. This will also facilitate solutions where you access
not only data but your applications directly over your internet connection,
true video phone, remote real time mirroring and backup, and much, much
more. All of which reminds me of this quote from the Simpsons.
Geek: "I invented a program that downloads porn off the internet
one million times faster."
Marge: "Does anyone need that much porno?"
Homer: (Drooling): "One million times..."
January 5, 2005
Happy Birthday!
Today marks the day my good friend Shane joined us here on Earth.
The place wouldn't be the same without him.
Even though we don't always see eye to eye, and I know I can get on
your nerves, there are few people I respect as much as you.
Happy Birthday! All the best!
January 3, 2005
One Earth year on Mars:
Yes indeed, today marks the first anniversary (Terrestrial time) of
the rover Spirit on Mars. Not bad for a device designed for about three
months of functionality in the hostile Martian environment. Not bad
at all, there is live telecast today at 1:00 PM EST, and you can read
more, and get the link here.
January 3, 2005
Our new theme will be:
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
This will be followed by 'Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back' and 'Star
Wars : A New Hope' and finally in April by 'Star
Wars: Revelations'. It's a countdown to the premiere of the new
independent, fan film staring Gina.
Stay tuned for details on how you can see it.
Check out more details at:
This Month's Theme:
Too much info
about me.
independent, fan film; Starring Gina.

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Convention |
February 11, 12 & 13, 2005 |
Revelations Premiere |
April 16th, 2005 |
Leave Convention |
July 8, 9, & 10, 2005 |
Renaissance Festival |
August 6 through September 25,
2005 |
Renaissance Festival |
August through October, 2005 |
NJ Renaissance Fair |
September, 2005 |