Poor grammar.
Adult themes.
Strange opinions.
Obscure references.
Foul language.
Utter madness.
Okay, that's it, you've been warned.
Web Work and Updates
Recently I've been working with Rob Hawkins on setting up his website.
I think it came out pretty well.
Go check it out at www.creationmatrixstudios.com.
Rob's regrouping and trying to break into the illustration industry. We
had to rush to get it done because he has a big show this coming weekend.
He's still short a couple of images under "Comic Coloring" but
otherwise he's all set.
Also I've gotten my new headshots and I redid my acting website. Shane
of Xile Pictures
had done the original, but because we work with such different tools,
it was always a little difficult for me to manage. It looked great, better
than my new one, but it was just too hard to update and maintain. So with
all thanks and respect to Shane I redid the new site in a more streamlined
way, but I think the new images make up for the difference. You can check
it out here.
Meanwhile I've also been working on the Elysian Visions, Inc. business
model and I think we're almost ready to start advertising.
I don't want to say too much until I know if it will really work or not
but I have a good feeling about it and I think I have all the bases covered.
I'm working on the presentation of the product right now but that's going
quickly and, I have to say, it looks even better than I expected.
Now Reporting!
Here are a couple of shots from a TV show shoot that Gina and I just
did together this past weekend.
I played a reporter and Gina played the victim of a terrible accident.
The very next day, after this overnight shoot, or later that same day if
you like, we hit the NY Renaissance Festival as planned. This was quite
an adventure as you might imagine. We did learn that Port Authority is closed
from 1:00 AM to 5:30 AM (who knew?) among many other interesting
and unprintable facts.
Anyway we had a pretty good time at the fair with friends Bill and Michele.
This is Gina's Queen of the Monarch's Butterfly Fairy costume that
she just made.
King for a day!
Well folks, here we are again. Sorry for the delay in posts but as you
will see we've been busy.
Yesterday, for instance, I did a professional gig for the History Channel.
I was Agamemnon. The scenes were for an upcoming documentary and I mugged
for the camera and got killed in the end. There was no dialoge as these
things are almost always voiced over with narration. Nevertheless I had
a great time, made a few bucks and got a credit. Here are a couple of

They provided the costume and yes, that is the old Declan wig
which we got for pick up shots on "Revelations."
I brought it with me and the director loved it.
Prior to that Gina and I had a chance to recreate our old Wonder Woman
and Superman costumes for a local Comic Book show. Gina worked really
hard on getting these ready and they look even better than the originals.
Believe it or not, this was also a professional gig and we made the same
money, each, as I got for Agamemnon.
This was the very first payment into my new company. You see recently
I've taken all the steps needed to incorporate. So now I am the President
of Elysian Visions Incorporated.
There will be much more on this later.
Prior to that Gina did some work on "Rescue Me" as a cop.
They provided the costume here as well.
In addition to all of the above we are continuing to work on our acting
carrers, sort out our banking, business and insurance affairs and generaly
keeping our lives going.
Tonight we are headed to the city for a shoot on Law & Order: Criminal
Intent. I'm playing a reporter.
Tomorrow we're planning on headed up to the opening day of the NY Renaissance
More later . . .