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October 31, 2005
October 25, 2005 Wrong! Very wrong! This past weekend we did in fact make it down to the Maryland Renaissance
Fair for the closing day, or as it sometimes known the day of wrong.
Now to be fair we all did little things costume wise that were
wrong, for instance, I wore Zorro, Mike G. wore his Tick tie, Pete
wore camouflage pants more fitting for a paintball field than a
Renn fair. However, believe me when I tell you that while we all
did our little things we were amateurs compared to some.
In any case there was much more to see and much more fun to be had. Once there we met up with some other friends of ours.
Put a pair of Jacks together and when they start trying to out Jack each other you've got a really good Jack-off going. (Thanks to Sarah for that little gem.)
October 20, 2005 I had a great weekend this past Saturday and Sunday. I had to work
Saturday morning due to a planned power outage. The thing of it
was it went great, I got out early and attained hero status for
a little while at the office. Such things are fleeting and never
last past your next mistake but I felt pretty good about it because
the solution I came up with worked so well. That day I spent with
some old friends and that night with my daughter Jessica who was
up from NC visiting. She and her boyfriend Mike came over and we
cut Pumpkins.
We played around, sang songs, ate whatever we liked and drank like
fish. It was grand. One of the strangest things happened that night.
It was late afternoon Sunday and we decided to head over to a particular
tavern to try to catch the Pirates and sing some bawdy pirate songs
(ARrr!), however the Pirates were not there. There were some other
musicians there and some dancers. One dancer in particular caught
our attention. I'm not really sure what happened. Gina and Michele
were watching the male dancers and didn't really see it, but had
a good time themselves nonetheless. Pete and I however were watching
the female dancers and this one dancer, I'm not sure how to explain
it, but she had cast some kind of spell. My regular readers know
I'm not given to magical, mystical allusions but honestly that's
what it was like. Pete and I had wandered into some other realm
where this dancer was dancing up a spell and we were captivated.
As the music played, and she danced, she hit some kind of plateau
where every move she made was part of the dance. Now let me clear
about this, this girl was pretty but not shockingly so and her looks
really had very little to do with what as happening. Her dancing
was just amazing!
The whole experience was heightened by the fact that Pete and I were sharing it. We kept checking with each other via our own verbal shorthand. It was magical. When it was over we went over to her to get our picture with her, and each of us tell her how she had touched us. As we made our way over to her and asked to get her picture I realized she had tears in her eyes. These were not tears of sadness, or pain. These were the joyous tears of an artist who has just transcended their art. Played the best concert, painted their greatest portrait, danced their greatest dance. We spoke to her and she understood perfectly. I realized later that we had never even introduced ourselves or gotten her name. After sharing such a profound and intimate experience, it seemed pointless in the heat of the moment.
October 19, 2005
October 14, 2005 It's all in the editing!
TULUM On the day we spent at Cozumel I arranged a tour of the Mayan Ruins
of Tulum.
The site itself is very impressive. What the original inhabitants
had done was take down part of a cliff face and used the stones
from it to make the outer wall of the site. Then they built the
various temples, and the king's house, and so on, to take advantage
of the constant breeze that comes in through the area they had just
After our swim, we explored the beach for a bit.
Overall, it was a lot of fun and pretty exciting. A word or two about Cruises and Cruise ships. The first thing you notice when you stand next to a cruise ship
is how amazingly gargantuan they really are. Here is a picture of
our ship the Inspiration with her sister ship the Imagination
docked next to her. I like this shot because in the foreground,
and much closer to us I assure you, is a little ferry ship called
"Fury". You can just make out the figures of people
on that ship as well as a few individuals on the dock to the far
left. So when you're looking at the ship it really is impressive
just how huge it really is. This sense of the size of the thing
is not lost when you're standing on the ship itself, however it
is impossible for me to convey via simple on board photographs.
Just keep it in mind.
Here is a shot of our cabin which served well enough for our purposes
on this first cruise, but I am saving up for one of the much more
luxurious rooms on the upper decks for the next cruise. To my left
off camera is a desk, closet and an open area for storage. To my
right is our private bathroom with shower stall.
Here is a shot of Gina in an area near the front of the ship called
the Grand Spectrum or Grand Atrium. Below is a shot looking up into
the Grand Spectrum you can see the various decks and that object
to the right is a glass-enclosed elevator to carry you between decks.
I mostly like to take the stairs however, which are wide and luxurious.
If you think that these cruises are just crowded with other people
everywhere, here is a shot of me in the Shakespeare Library and
here is another shot of my deck chair on the aft section of the
Verandah Deck. Gina's chair would have been next to mine but she
was off with a cute young woman getting a hot stone aromatherapy
massage in the ships spa and salon at the time.
The main thing about the cruise was the Food and Drink. Man, was
there a lot of Food and Drink. There is food all over the place
and literally people walking around with trays of the drink of the
day. The way we worked things out the food was all paid for but
the drinks were not. To get drinks you just need to pass the nearest
bartender or tray carrier your room key also known as your "Sign
and Sail card" and sign a receipt and presto you're drunk as
a poet on pay day. I consider it a testament to the overall quality
of the drinks that while we were drinking almost constantly, neither
Gina nor I had any kind of hangover the entire trip.
We took this trip as a kind of test. Maybe we would not like cruises or cruise ships. Maybe we would be seasick or whatever. However, after taking this trip I am anxious to book my next one. I love cruise ships. They are totally the way to get away if you ask me. Next entry - our hero's visit the Mayan Temple of Tulum.
Quick Vacation Shots Gina and I went on a cruise to Cozumel, Mexico for our vacation. We took the Carnival ship Inspiration out of Tampa, FL.
Here is a quick shot of Gina and I at the Drunken Pelican.
After our morning excursion to Tulum, (pictures will follow later) we just walked off the boat and into one of the first bars we could find. We ordered Nachos, Guacamole', and Margarita's. After about half of mine I decided I don't really like Margarita's, but not to worry Gina was more than willing to finish hers and mine while I got a Rum and Pineapple Juice drink of the same proportions Later we went to Senior Frogs but there will not be any pictures
from that portion of the evening. I AM NOT DEAD! I've just been away on vacation and, having come back, I find there is a lot to catch up on both at home and in the office. Therefore, due to time constraints, this months theme will continue to be BSG. Lots more updates, pictures and stories as time permits.
08/27/2003 |