About this site:
The Elysian Visions Blog Spot
and raving,
wisdom and whimsy,
from the mind of a Madman,
...with links.
Poor grammar.
Adult themes.
Strange opinions.
Obscure references.
Foul language.
Utter madness.
Okay, that's it, you've been warned.
February 28, 2005
Moore's Blog
My respect for this guy just grows and grows with every episode of
the new Battlestar Galactica I see.
This will be just a quick entry here as another huge snow storm is
barreling down on us.
In other news . . . where the hell did February go?
The Revelations Premiere is officially sold out but space is still available
for the Gala party.
Also Gina and I just got our first "So, are you guys looking
for an agent?" from an agent.
So things are looking up on the acting front.
February 23, 2005
From over at Live Science:
Bush Stifles Science, Researchers Say
Well . . . DUH!
February 21, 2005
Hunter Thompson . . . is dead.
Excellent Obituary here.
February 17, 2005
Signs of Life on Mars
What is shocking about this
story over on Space.com is not that we have started to build a very
serious case for life on the red planet but that almost no one is reporting
on it.
Because clearly this cannot be true since my bible doesn't say anything
about life elsewhere in the universe, which by the way was created in
seven days, about 9000 years ago, and God planted all those dinosaur
bones to test our faith.
. . . Uh, huh!
I was watching 'The Simpsons' the other day and they had a scene between
Flanders and Apu that had me laughing so hard I couldn't breathe.
Homer lets go of the steering wheel and everyone panics:
Apu cries out: "Save me Shiva!"
Flanders replies: "Why don't you just call out for Hawkman?"
To which Apu responds: "Why don't you shut up!"
I absolutely love when religious folk get all up in someone else's
face because they obviously believe in the wrong deity.
That always cracks me up. It always reminds me of the very old axiom;
"In any argument only one side at most can be right."
"at most" being the key words in such cases.
My invisible man in the sky can beat up your invisible man in the
It says so right here in my bible, and you know it's true because my
bible clearly says that everything in it is true - so there you go.
Case closed, along with my mind and any chance to reason with me.
My God believes in love, peace . . . . and killing nonbelievers!
Any perceived contradictions are the result of your own ignorance on
the subject and overall heathen unworthiness.
By the way isn't the emperor looking sharp today in his new suit?
. . .
Where was I?
Ah! Back in reality, possible signs of life on Mars.
The next important question assuming we do find life of any kind on
Mars or Titan or wherever will be; is this other life the result of
a completely separate genesis? The answer to that question will go a
long way towards letting us know just how common life might be in the
cosmos. Personally the optimist in me believes life is probably very
common, intelligent life a bit less so, and the pessimist in me can't
help suspecting that most of that other intelligent life . . . will
also be religious.
SPARE US! . . . Everyone.
February 16, 2005
Hero of the Rebellion

That's right, rumor has it that Panic Struck Productions has changed
the name of their pending feature from "Revelations" to "I,
Declan: Hero of the Rebellion". No. Really! That's what I heard.
Some guy said it. I think I heard it at the convention, over in the
embassy, while I was asleep, in my dreams.
Okay, okay, I made it up. Still the picture is pretty cool.
Thanks to Tish Wells for the image and permission to
edit and publish it.
February 15, 2005
Farpoint Pictures
As promised, here are some quick shots of us, and a couple of our new
friends, from Farpoint in our costumes.
First of all, for the sake of reference . . .

Russell Crowe as Jack Aubrey.
here is what we were going for.

Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow

Frank as Captain
"Lucky" Jack Aubrey

Gina as Captain Jack Sparrow.

Most of the credit for these costumes goes to Gina.

I made the large buttons for my coat out of sculpey.

I also made Gina's latex mustache and beard.
Gina did almost everything else cutting, sewing, stitching, painting,
braiding . . . everything.
Spork! Spork! Spork!
Here is Eric as Sporkman.
A fun time was had by all.
Thanks to everyone who sent us these pictures.
February 14, 2005
The Farpoint Wrap Up
or how Captain "Lucky" Jack Aubrey met Pirate Captain Jack
Sparrow and the early adventures of Sporkman.
Too much to tell here folks but we'll post updates and pictures as
they come in.
I got rather badly drunk and even more obnoxious than usual on Friday
night but sobered up very quickly after dinner.
Drinking on an empty stomach again -
To quote Calvin, "Live and don't learn. That's us."
(Sorry again Jo!)
The showing of the first five minutes of "Revelations"
on the big screen at the Costume Call half time was simply awesome and
lot of buzz and excitement was generated.
People were all over us that night and the next day telling us how great
it looked.
Rumors are flying about some very big people who are getting interested
in this project. Interviews are in the works, and we still need to find
an agent or two.
Word has it that the Revelations Premiere itself may be already sold
(900 seats, Poof! Gone, just like that. Damn!)
Tickets for the Gala Party are still available, but I wouldn't wait
around to get them.
I got meet Jeffrey Combs, and Gina and I both got to meet Tony Amendola.
Both of whom were just really super nice guys.
Gina wore her super secret Captain Jack Sparrow costume that almost
no one knew about and managed to fool more than a few of our friends.
First guy: "Did you see that Jack Sparrow guy? He is so gay!"
Other Guy: "Uh , Dude, that's Gina."
First Guy: "Gina who?"
Other guy: "Gina . . . You know 'Frank and Gina,' that Gina!"
First Guy: "What?!"
I, of course, wore the long awaited Captain Jack Aubrey Costume from
"Master and Commander".
Gina and I made a point of showing up separately and not hanging out
together for the first few hours, so the illusion would be more complete.
Our costumes and the skit, which was written by Sarah and expertly read
by Dave the MC, won us "First Prize in the Champions Cup Category"
of the Costume Call.
Thanks again Sarah and Dave.
We also took Gina's favorite award "Best Technical Recreation"
from the behind the scenes technical judges as well as the overall "Best
Recreation" award from the regular judges.
Eric, one of our new friends from Rising Phoenix, had the crowd on its
feet with his original costume Sporkman.
Pictures as they become available.
(Donna, I'm totally counting on you.)
February 10, 2005
Uh . . . Wow!
The Crypto-Fascist
Haberdasher kicks ass and takes names in yesterday's entry.
Do not ignore this story or its implications to your freedom!
February 9, 2005
It is like a Russian tragedy, full of deep emotions, and existential
A poignant illustration of love and respect, tinged with sadness.
A defiant clinging to childhood innocence - lost too soon.
It's a reverent and joyous celebration and reaffirmation of life in
the very face of death and despair - and all of it, done with . . .
with muppets.
Thanks to Tim at Creatures
and Characters for sending this one along.
February 8, 2005
Just quietly whistling, nonchalantly looking
around, nothing to see here folks, then, when no one is looking. . .
NOW! Quick! Go read this!
Big nods to Xoverboard
for linking to this excellent article.
February 7, 2005
Revelations Premiere and Party Selling Out!!!!
Okay folks, here is the deal, the upcoming Premiere of Revelations
at the Senator Theatre and the huge Black Tie Gala Party afterwards
are selling out. If you haven't gotten your tickets for both now is
the time. Go! Now! Unless you're planning to just watch it over the
Internet the following week.
Site here!
As a reminder tickets for the movie are free but the Gala Party
price is climbing. Tickets at the door will be the most expensive - but
I'm telling you right now, there probably won't be any tickets at the
door. (Just big, nasty security guys you, know the type - a face like
a catcher's mitt, selective hearing, all the patience of a two year old
with a tooth ache.)
The Farpoint
Convention is coming up this next weekend, where Panic Struck plans
to show the first five minutes of the movie, and make the information
for tickets available as well, and after that, I expect the tickets to
be long gone.
Also here is a tip for the flash animation on the premiere site: click
the ship on the left hand poster for an Easter egg. Play the game and
click around for more Easter eggs. Also shoot a Jawa in the concession
stand to play the imbedded game.
February 3, 2005
Putting another lousy Groundhog Day behind us.
Well yesterday just sucked. First I had a really big fight with a good
friend, then a slightly smaller fight with Gina, then I got home just
in time to watch the President's State of the Union address (If you
liked my last term, you'll love the next four years folks!) and
then finally I got an email from another good friend that ENTERPRISE
is CANCELLED! Just when the show had put the whole temporal
cold war behind and was starting find its own footing and really get
good with Andorians, Tellarites, trips to Vulcan, Romulans lurking in
the shadows . . . Bang! Cancelled!
No more of that, thank you very much.
Goddamn it!
Gina wanted to call the help line to have me put on a suicide watch
but I started waving a sword around and shouting that "I'll
kill anyone who tries to stop me killing myself" and "They'll
never take me alive!" That confused her so she gave up
the idea and went back to sewing.
Groundhog day . . INDEED!
Next year I'm going to just stay in bed all day.
February 1, 2005
Our new theme will be:
Star Wars:
The Empire Strikes Back
This will be followed by 'Star Wars : A New Hope' and finally in April
by 'Star Wars: Revelations'. It's a countdown
to the premiere of the new independent, fan film staring Gina.
Stay tuned for details on how you can see it.
Check out more details at:
Also, as an aside, *someone* took the time to point out that some of
the pictures from last month were really from ESB (oops!) so I let them
stay for another month.
This Month's Theme:

Star Wars
The Empire Strikes Back
Too much info
about me.
independent, fan film; Starring Gina.
No comments! Get your own page.
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Send an e-mail via the link below.
For negative feedback:
Just don't bother. I won't read it. I don't want to hear it.
I don't care. Whatever!
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Convention |
February 11, 12 & 13, 2005 |
Premiere |
April 16th, 2005 |
Leave Convention |
July 8, 9, & 10, 2005 |
Renaissance Festival |
August 6 through September 25,
2005 |
Renaissance Festival |
August through October, 2005 |
NJ Renaissance Fair |
September, 2005 |