Poor grammar.
Adult themes.
Strange opinions.
Obscure references.
Foul language.
Utter madness.
Okay, that's it, you've been warned.
Behind the scenes at
"Pitching Lucas"
Okay Shane linked to these from his BLOG and our good friend Steve L.
took them, and is sharing them, so go check out some BTS
pix from "Pitching Lucas".
Also, we clearly seem to be winning the peoples choice award over at Atom
Films but if you haven't checked out the competition and voted
You'll note that I'm not asking you to vote for "Pitching Lucas"
just to go and vote for your favorite.
I believe "Pitching Lucas" is so good, we don't need to denigrate
the competition.
. . .
(Just for the record though, most of them are wretched,
there I said it.)
To your left, among others, you can see 'your's truly' as ANH Obi Wan
and that's Gina as Greedo.
(Who is it now that says we're not team players?)
This shot was taken just the other day by good friend Brian S. Another
good friend and I were working out a technique in foil work, we weren't
actually fencing so we were not wearing our masks.
Brian was around taking pictures and snapped this one and I thought it
was a particularly favorable shot of myself, so I wanted to share it.
Thanks again Brian.
Pitching Lucas
Go see Shane's new movie, the new Panic Struck (sorry) X-ile Pictures
Production "Pitching Lucas" along with all the competition
at Atom
Films and vote for your favorite. Hurry though, the voting only last
for two weeks.
This new film features really high production values, a really excellent
Lucas impersonator and stunning recreations of both ANH Obi Wan and Greedo.
Seriously though, very good stuff. So go watch them all and vote for your
favorite today.
and now for something completely different . . .
walks on Fucking Moon!!
This just never gets old.
Also I have the T-shirt.
Thanks Patrick!
Now Leaving the GalaxE Galaxy!
Next stop, planet Spiderman 3.
For those of you who have not heard, I have indeed left my job at Galaxy.
Those who have known me for some time will no doubt realize the implications
of this because my job there over the past five plus years has been a
huge part of my life. All I will say here is that I announced my intention
to resign and the parting was amicable. I have a little time here. I've
posted my resume on a few sites and have begun networking through the
contacts I have, to try and find a new job, but I'm not under any mad
pressure to get a job tomorrow. I have a bit to carry me through for at
least a couple of months.
Meanwhile, elsewhere, right after that, Nicholas was driving the van.
Nick was pulling into the nearby White Castle at about 4:00AM when someone
slammed into him. The back and side widows exploded and Nick himself was
badly jarred. The other driver then, leaving Nick for wounded, possibly
dead, sped off into the night. He didn't get far when his wheel fell off.
Then, in what I suspect was a stunning bout of drunken reasoning, the
driver got out of his car and removed his license plates before running
off on foot.
In the end Nick was all right but the van was totaled.
"What's next?" you ask with bated breath.
Well I've been working with Gina as an extra.
Which dear reader leads us to our next story. I'll spare everyone the
grueling details of extra work and cut right to the chase. On Tuesday
I went with Gina to work in NY as an extra on the set of Spiderman 3.
It was hot that day but, in the movie, it was supposed to be November
so in addition to the heat we were dressed in coats and trying to look
cold. As an aside it turns out I'm quite good at this for some reason.
I can fake being cool when I'm not and even go without rest or water for
hours and hours on end. As the day was coming to a close Gina and I had
done the standard extra stuff and even found ourselves in front of the
camera a few times. However you never know how these things will be cut
or which takes will be used so it's not worth getting all worked up about
until the movie actually comes out. The crux of the story however is that
near the end of the day I was in asked to take place in a certain scene.
I won't give away any spoilers here out of respect for the director Sam
Raimi and the production itself but I will tell you that, there was an
attack by a super villain, people running away in panic and a principal
of the movie, I kid you not, landed right in my arms. This happened twice
in what seemed to be the best takes. As I say though we'll have to wait
and see what makes the final print.
These past few days have been damned exciting times.
'Revelations' in the NEWS
A new article that talks about 'Revelations' HERE!
More than a year after the fact 'Revelations' is still making the news.
There's something I would like to say about this. When we were making
'Revelations' I told Shane that it would be big and garner a lot of attention.
The quality of it, the timing of it, the sheer unmitigated audacity of
it, convinced me that, regardless of what anyone thought of it, people
would be talking about it. I told him that he and others like him would
be at the Vanguard of a new front in independent, home grown media. While
it's true that Shane himself was far more reserved in his estimations
of the response, this is not a case of 'I told you so' because, in a sense,
both of us were right. I told Shane that he would be on CNN, and the like,
and he was. If anything the response by the global and mainstream media
was even greater than I had predicted. However the industry response to
Shane, the opportunities that we expected in the form of fallout from
all of this buzz were a good deal less than expected. I've spent many
an hour pondering this. Was the industry so inundated with independent
self starters that there was no room left for Shane? Had he missed the
boat in some sense? Possibly, but I have given this a great deal of thought
and I don't think that's the whole picture. I believe that the excitement
and stir that Shane created still exist in the form of potential energy.
I believe that with Shane's next project (which I am sworn to secrecy
about, so don't ask) all that potential energy will finally be released
and that Shane will at long last get the kind of attention, accolades
and opportunities that he deserves.
Also I believe that I have scooped him once again and that makes me very
Gina Tonight on WE
Gina fans can see her as one of the critics on WE (Women's Entertainment)
tonight at 8:00pm and again at 11:00pm.
Gina is one of three critics on Cinema Therapy for one of those trashy romance
novels made into a movie for some misguided reason. It's like MST3K for
girls or something. Sorry for the late notice on this.
"Children growing up
Old friends growing older"
- Rush (Time Stand Still)
Today I am 44 terrestrial years of age.
Many have pointed out that my birthday coincides with the biblical number
of the beast - 666. Never mind that in the actual original text the number
can also be read as 616, or that Gregorian calendar isn't the same as
the one used in biblical times at all, or any other facts. Da Vinci code
protesters and their ilk are immune to facts, logic and reason.
(Attention protesters; your bible is a lie! Please keep your
protest to one side and do not block the sidewalk! Thank you.)
Meanwhile, back on Earth, as I say today I am 44. To celebrate I took
the day off and slept in. When I woke up and shambled out to the living
room, one of my son's buddies, a large, strapping, young man in his early
20's engaged me first thing with a sarcastic smile and asked "So,
how does it feel to be 44, old man?"
"Pretty damn good actually", I replied. Then to really drive
my point home, I beat him to a bloody pulp and left him for dead, out
by the curb, next to the garbage.
. . .
Okay, I think I merely dreamt that, or perhaps just made it up (which,
when you think about it, is really the same thing) but the message is
the same in any case. Teasing me about my advancing age probably isn't
a good idea unless you've grown tired of aging yourself.
Mostly I do feel pretty damn good. These last few years have really been
great, due in no small part to Gina. I've certainly had my share of set
backs and frustrations but overall it's been great.
So, today I plan to be even more self indulgent than usual and not do
a goddamn thing I don't want to do.
(Yes, I know, some of your are smirking 'what's different about that?'
Well today it will be slightly even more so.)
Tomorrow I will get up early, go back to work, and go back restraining
myself to my usual level of self indulgence, but today, today is just
for me.
Gina News
Okay recently I've received many complaints that I don't post often enough
and that I'm not keeping everyone up to date on Gina's progress in her
acting career, so here it is.
Gina is doing great. She recently landed two of the three waivers she
needs for SAG membership and lately has been working more and more on
movies rather than TV shows. She has done extra work on 'Enchanted', 'Pride
and Glory' and 'We Own the Night'.
Now you're probably saying to yourself "wait a minute I've never
heard of these films".
Yeah, that's right, that's because they're still shooting them.
They are real films and Gina has been rubbing elbows with such stars as
James Marsden, Edward Norton and Collin Farrell to name but a few. She's
still doing extra work mostly but her recent waivers were obtained while
pulling in SAG wages.
Hmm . . . I may retire early.