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The Elysian Visions Blog Spot
August 31, 2004 Ugh! I need a new theme already? Okay, for those who don't know, Gina was sick and had been in the hospital
for the past four days or so but is back out. She is home, resting and
feeling a bit better. Meanwhile check out this latest abuse of the system to stifle free
speech. This guy was very careful to set up his rig with water soluble, biodegradable
spray paint. However, with a typical disregard for the facts, the police
arrested him anyway. They seized his equipment and held him for 24 hours.
He has a court appearance on Friday, right after the end of the RNC.
What's important is that the police who arrested him knew he was not
breaking the law. This would be like catching a kid drawing a hopscotch
board on the sidewalk with chalk, calling it graffiti, and arresting
them. Worse it would be like arresting a kid, before they even drew
the hopscotch board, for possession of chalk.
August 24, 2004 Cobweb and Jebus. I am still unable to schedule the treatment I need but I'm feeling
okay at the moment. Now, of course, Gina is also having some medical
August 19, 2004 "Remember as far as anyone knows, As you might have deduced by my lack of posting, I'm sicker than I
thought. The worst part is I still haven't been able to address my sickness
due to an insurance snafu at the office. This is not the fault of anyone
in my company, just very bad timing on my part. On the plus side I'm
losing a bit of weight on my mush only diet. Meanwhile my daughter Jessica has moved back in. In other personal news a good friend is looking to move out to Utah. I'd like to take this opportunity to wish Brian and his wife all the best in this new chapter of their lives. This move represents a chance for them to start a whole new life together. Those of you of long acquaintance will remember Brian as my former First Officer on the Integrity and later as Captain of the Vindicator. Be safe and stay in touch guys. August 10, 2004 WTF! AH! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Okay.
August 10, 2004 Running at about 75% Ha ha! I've managed to bring the infection I have under control a little bit. I may even try some solid food later. Meanwhile I am back in the office and will be scheduling the dental work, and so on, that I desperately need done over the next few days. Meanwhile I have a couple of thoughts about the various set backs suffered
by a couple of notable X-prize contenders. First I'm very glad to hear
no one was hurt. Good work to the respective staffs for putting safety
first and all that. Secondarily I am very impressed to hear the time
estimates for building a new Rubicon 2 ship will be a little more than
a month. This is a significant development that the mainstream media
seems to have missed. They are claiming that can go from scratch to
space worthy vehicle in about forty five to sixty days. Wow!
August 8, 2004 In other news I am sorry to report I am very ill. I need a dentist,
then an oral surgeon, a doctor, a few prescriptions, lots of liquid,
bed rest, then a sushi chef, and a bartender.
August 6, 2004 "W" Stands for WRONG! "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we.
They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our
people, and neither do we." . . . That's . . . just . . . . perfect. Meanwhile:
August 5, 2004 "It's a Wonderful Life" remake to feature
Okay, okay, I made that up. Can't you just see it though? Meanwhile, back in the real world, Bruce
Springsteen has stepped up for Kerry saying that "the stakes
of this election are just too high". Wow! Well said, couldn't agree
more. Also Republican Senator John McCain has called on the White
House to condemn
one of the latest anti-Kerry ads. The White House has, of course,
declined. Love America! Loathe Bush!
August 4, 2004 Link Farming First of all, today we have a really good article on Space.com about
Intelligence. Secondly, to those of you who have, despite my admonitions not to bother, taken the time and trouble to write me hate mail, to those among you who think I'm just an over opinionated, egomaniacal, needlessly obscene, loudmouth . . . (drum roll please) . . . ladies and gentlemen I give you http://maddox.xmission.com. This fucking guy makes me look like Albert Schweitzer. Also a quick link from the Al Franken Show on Air America: Well there is good news for all you folks: and You'll laugh, you'll cry . . . maybe you'll even VOTE!
August 3, 2004 Bush on anti-depressants?! Loyalty Oaths?!
Why are we even waiting for November? Can anyone tell me?
August 2, 2004 The Justice League This month's theme, as suggested by one of our loyal readers, will
be the Justice League. Also a few scheduling notes: August 9: Gina and I plan to be at the
NY Renaissance Festival.(Saturday)
08/27/2003 |