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Poor grammar.
Adult themes.
Strange opinions.
Obscure references.
Foul language.
Utter madness.

Okay, that's it, you've been warned.



Gina's new look.

On the advice of two of her agents, Gina has cut her hair.
This was a difficult decision that was not made lightly,
but what the hell, hair grows back and generally I like it.
Here is a quick picture to give you an idea of what the new haircut looks like.
Most people say it makes her look even younger if that is possible.



When Kirk met Spock.
This is possibly the worst Trek idea I have ever heard.

. . .



From the NOT in the news today files:
West Point Graduates step up!
Go read this statement right now.
Thanks to Randi Rhodes and Air America for leading me to this one.


Gina on "Conviction"

Careful viewers may be able to spot Gina on "Conviction" this Friday night.
NBC 10:00PM


So, want to hear a story?

You'll never guess what!

Yesterday while I was driving home from work, I was sitting in traffic, waiting for the light up the road to change, so that the car in front of mine and the car behind mine, all of which were at rest, could continue on our way. When suddenly, the car behind mine, was hit full on by a pickup truck that didn't stop. The car behind mine, a sedan, plowed into me not once but twice. I, in turn, hit the SUV in front of me and everyone was fine . . .except me.

I stumble out of my car a few moments later to discover that my legs didn't want to work. I'm on my hands and knees next to the car. I look to the right and the guy from the SUV says "You okay buddy?" I looked down. I looked to my left and the guy from the sedan who looked to me just like the guy from the SUV says "You okay buddy?" I looked down again 'apparently not' I think to myself. What the hell happened? I am deeply confused. I fought my way to my feet and just sort of wandered about stupidly for a bit. 'Really ought to call someone' I thought. 'Never mind,' everyone else seemed to already be on their cell phones, better just sit down. An off duty fireman or policeman who happened to be behind us, pulled up, and started taking charge.
"Are you okay?" he asked someone. Then again to someone else. Then again to me.
"I don't know," I said feebly.
I looked at my little Toyota, Matrix. It looked done. Un-drivable. Probably totaled. I wondered out loud why the air bag didn't go off. Now there were all kinds of people around me, police, EMT's, what-have-you.
"Your bumper went right under the SUV, so no air bag," someone explained "you want to go to the hospital?" he asked. Why was he asking me? I looked at the car again.
"How do I get home?" I asked stupidly.
Better call Gina I thought. My headset was gone. I looked at my phone. I turned it off, then turned it back on to disconnect it from the headset. I called Gina. I told her what happened. She asked if I was okay.
"I don't know," I said. "I think so." Now I started crying. Goddamn it! Why was I crying?
"I'm sorry," I said. "It wasn't my fault. Hit from behind. Not sure what happened."
Why couldn't I think straight? STOP CRYING! GODDAMN IT!!
"Where are you? I'm coming to get you," I heard Gina say.
"Not sure where I am. Don't come, I won't be here, they're taking me to the hospital. I'll call you later." I hung up. Got to pull myself together.
Now someone was putting a neck brace on me and then holding my head in place with his hands.
That was strange, looked even stranger in the reflection of the car door.
Then they lean me back onto a board. and strap me to it.
I hear the one guy asking the other guy if he knows how to work the stretcher?
Why is he asking that?
This is the same guy who kept asking if I wanted to go to the hospital.
The ambulance ride to the hospital is strange.
The EMT keeps trying to strike up a conversation, asking me questions.
"What's your zip code? Where you wearing your seat belt? Did you see it coming?"
Did I?
They bring me into the hospital but all I can see is the ceiling.
Fifteen different people ask me if was wearing my seat belt?
Now I'm on a bed in the ER.
On a board, on a bed, in the ER. My head is killing me.
My phone is buzzing on my hip. I manage to get at it and answer it.
I tell Gina where I am. I tell her not to panic when she sees me.

It doesn't help. Gina does not react well when she sees me.
"This is a complete overreaction" I tell her.
"It wasn't my fault," I explain.
"I'm really sorry," I tell her.
It doesn't help.

They lose my chart for a while but Gina gets us some help and they eventually get to me.
They begin carefully taking the head gear off.
I feel like I'm falling. The room is spinning wildly.
They ask me to sit up and I try, then I laugh.
It feels like I'm on a rollercoaster.
They check me out for broken bones, abrasions and internal injuries.
They don't find any.
I need a CAT scan and X-rays.
A little while later I get them and a little while after that I'm told that everything checks out. I can go home.


Where's Gina?

Okay first of all if you missed the first few minutes, you missed it. If you caught it on Tivo (or the more luddite friendly VCR tape,) here is what to look for:
In the diner, a waitress passes too close to the camera twice, these are both Gina, but you can't really tell because, as I say, she's too close to the camera.
To really see her look for the scene where the cop says "Forty sets of eyes can't be wrong . . ." There is a waitress on the lower right hand side of the screen with her hair back who is crying. This is Gina. She's really only there for a moment. There was of course much more footage of her but this is what made it into the episode and who are we to challenge the wisdom of the editors. We'll look to see more of her in her two upcoming 'Conviction' episodes and of course episode nine of 'The Sopranos.'


Gina on Law and Order

Wednesday night, 10PM, NBC, look for Gina as a waitress and a passerby.


I know less now than I did before watching this.


Just TOO damn COOL.

Don't join NOW!


For I have slipped the surly bonds of earth, and punched the face of god!
- Homer Simpson

This is just too good not to share. Way beyond warp drive.


"One Shot Too High"

Gina lands another role in an independent film.
"One Shot Too High" is the title of the movie and it's being produced by a group out of Philadelphia. Gina had to audition for the part and we thought that she didn't get it because the call back date came and went. It turns out however that the production was merely delayed. It's a smaller role, but a solid speaking part and a contemporary piece. Needless to say I am very proud of her. More details as they become available.


Law and Order: SVU

Gina landed another extra role on the popular TV show. She spent the day Wednesday shooting in NYC.



Well here is the new site. No more monthly themes. That was getting old. Started to feel like the last season of the Dennis Miller Show on HBO when he would tiredly groan out "I don't want to get off a rant here but . . . " and the audience would just grin with weary eyes and play along. So why the new interface? Well it's not all that new and after talking to some people about it I realized almost no one was using most of my handy links anyway, so I just knocked it back a notch. More streamlined, simpler and yet robust and highly scalable . . . sorry drifted off into ad speak there for a moment. The remaining links are my links that I check almost every day so this site is a little more for me if you will. So that's that.

Now, on to weightier matters. Like for instance the latest news about our government spying on us. Hello to those of you who are just joining us because it's your job to monitor sites like this. Welcome. Have a seat. Can I get you anything? A copy of the Constitution of the United States for instance? The Bill of Rights perhaps?

Anyway, it's a comfort to know that our current administration only has the best of intentions for our country as they actively set about undermining and destroying it.
We can all sleep tight knowing that our government has given up even the pretence of any sort of right to privacy. Just ask them and watch the Orwellian way their eyes glaze over as they tell you straight out that their flagrant violations of our most basic human rights is, in fact, completely legal. "Nothing illegal about it." "No laws are being broken." "Also we do not engage in torture." "We care about you." "We love you" "It is unpatriotic to question authority" "Slavery is Freedom." "Ignorance is strength."

Uh huh. Our ignorance is their strength.

This is worse the cold war KGB and to be totally fair at least they had the good manners to be really incompetent about watching over the humble masses trapped in the Soviet Union back in the day. Not that I'm saying the NSA is totally competent or anything, especially in light of some of the better members of the team quitting rather than following the new Big Brother directives, but with all the modern technology at their disposal I'm sure they're making a better job of it than the old KGB. I'm reminded of that scene in the book 'The Gulag Archipelago' where the officers who come to arrest Solzhenitsyn can't find their way back and he has to help them figure it out.

So what's next? Who knows I predict illegal immigrant trying to sail into Cuba so they can have some privacy and get descent health care.

The mind boggles.

Oh well, stiff upper lip and all that. We'll muddle through as best we can I suppose.

On the personal front . . . just don't even ask.


Frank's Acting
Resume Page

Gina's Acting
Resume Page

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