Poor grammar.
Adult themes.
Strange opinions.
Obscure references.
Foul language.
Utter madness.
Okay, that's it, you've been warned.
Shane's acceptance speech.
We are all very proud!
Breaking news here folks. Shane Felux has done it again!
"Pitching Lucas" has won both the 'George Lucas Selects'
and the 'Audience Selects' awards over at ATOM
(NOTE: This literally just happened last night, as I write this, so the
news hasn't picked it up yet, but they will I am certain.)
This is really big news, first because no one has ever won both awards
simultaneously in the five year history of the awards and secondly because
official sites like STARWARS.COM
are now forced to acknowledge Shane's work including "Revelations".
This, in my opinion, is because of the quality and scope of the projects,
because of the order they were released in and because of the scale of
his success - they simply have no choice. Also this firmly secures Shane
Felux and X-ile Pictures at the current vanguard of the home grown media
Now we will see if I was right. Now we will see if the potential energy
"Revelations" originally generated is finally released
in the form of much more work, recognition and success for Shane.
As a personal note Gina and I would just like to say to Shane, and everyone
else involved, congratulations and well done! Gina and I are very proud
to be in such company.
UPDATE (10:45 AM): As expected and predicted, the first of what I am sure
will be many news stories has just hit in the "Mercury
Uh . . . Okay?
There are no words for this.
This year some good friends did the classic comic book new X-men and here
is what they looked like.

Here is a good group shot that I got.
There was also a Cyclops and some others but I didn't manage to
get any decent shots of them.

Rogue, Wolverine and Dark Phoenix.

Michele as Dark Phoenix.
Earlier in the day she had the green Phoenix costume. (You've got
to notice these things when you're a captain.)

Our good friend Steve did a great job as Wolverine
so I got the most good pictures of him.

Steve again at 10 Forward. He looks like he's going into a Wolverine
Berserker Rage, but really he's just rocking out to some classic
Queen. Good Picture though.

Here is a shot of Gina and a friendly Klingon at 10 Forward. No
pictures of me as I was working the camera.
And a good time was had by most.
Meanwhile Gina and I worked on a CSI-NY and I got to speak briefly with
Gary Sinise who was a very nice guy.
Another Picture
This one of both the grand kids is just too good not to share.
Meanwhile, Gina and I are getting ready to go down to Shore Leave this
coming weekend. We were working on a new Masquerade idea but we decided
to save it for Farpoint and to just relax this trip.
Spending some time off Right!
My Daughter Talia and her family are visiting this holiday weekend
and we're having a great time.
It's really great to have this time off to spend with friends and family.
Job offers are already coming in but there's certainly no hurry. I'm not
even planning to go back to work prior to our return from Shore Leave.
I'm taking a little well deserved time off and I'm really enjoying it.
I spend most of my days tanning, working out, swimming and working around
the house and yard. With the grand kids in town for the holiday however
I'm having a great time just spoiling the hell out of them.

Here is grand-baby Matthew playing in the kiddy pool we bought and
set up recently.
He also went in the regular pool, but I was with him, so no pix
of that yet.

A very happy grandma Gina and baby Joseph.

Here is mommy Talia with Matthew and baby Joseph getting everyone
their sunscreen protection.

Matthew with a collection of balloon starfish.

Matthew and Aunt Jess share a visit in the new gazebo.