Poor grammar.
Adult themes.
Strange opinions.
Obscure references.
Foul language.
Utter madness.
Okay, that's it, you've been warned.
SCOOP on "George & Me"
"It features interviews with fans such as Albin Johnson founder
of the 501st, and Shane Felux director of "Revelations", the
most successful fan-film to date."
Good Stuff!
Also as today is September 11th I would ask everyone to take a moment
and reflect not on the event itself but on the road this country has been
going down ever since.
Zouaves: Red Legged Devils
This weekend I was in Maryland doing a shoot for Red Legged Devils. That
in itself is a long story, but for now just let me say that Gina and I
were asked to do some work for the C-Squared Production and jumped at
the chance.
So, "what is a Zouave?" everyone but my good friend Patrick
is now probably asking. Well they were an elite fighting force in the
American civil war with a strange sense of fashion. Here are some pictures
of me as one of Company F and of Gina as 'Williamsburg Wanda' a crazy
Union supporter, living in the south. You will probably not see me in
this get up in the movie as they just needed a drone for some marching
and group shots for the day but I will also be playing Walter Otto Beck
in another scene so look for that.

"Yes" the designer had apparently been told "I want to
look shorter and fatter. Also I'll be fighting in the woods and such,
so lots of red and blue and yellow tassels. Also I would like it to take
at least an hour to get in and out of it."
All kidding aside the production looks great and the attention to detail
was painstaking.
Viva Las Vegas
Sorry for the recent lack of updates, but as you will see, we've been
busy. Last year my sister Denise started putting together a vacation in
Las Vegas for my Dad and his wife Vera on his 70th Birthday. This trip
was planned and paid for well in advance. We went flying out to Vegas
(thanks to a little Xanex for Gina) and we had a very exciting time. We
did not hit it big on the slots or the tables but we did not lose very
much either. We actually devised a way to score very cheap drinks in the
casinos and considering what they were charging in the bars and the drinks
we put away, I'd say we even came out slightly ahead. We also took time
to swim, sunbathe and look around. In general, I liked the weather more
than I expected to and the town itself less than I expected to. The whole
place gives the impression of a city run by Moe Sizlack from "The
Simpsons". On the other hand, my sister Denise did a great job and
took care of everything. My dad had a good time and we all got to spend
some good time together. I am very grateful.
The one exception, the one thing I really did enjoy was, (you guessed
it) Star Trek: The Experience. This place was great and the people there
were terrific. They have a walk through museum with a Star Trek timeline,
costumes and props, and everything is included from classic Trek through
every series and movie. They have huge starships hanging from the ceiling,
a restaurant, and even full scale, excellent mock ups of sections of DS9
and Quarks bar. If you go there, I highly recommend you take the backstage
tour and see how they do everything.
The thing that really moved me, however, was the bridge. Needless to say
Gina and I went in uniform and as Captain Logan and his First Officer
Commander Gina Logan of the U.S.S. Integrity and we were treated as such
by the staff and even other guest. The opportunity to sit on the bridge,
however, that was something special for me. This is a full set and there
is nothing to tell you that it is not real, no matter where you look.
It was a completely immersive experience with even the low rumble of the
engines rolling through the deck. I could sit in the command chair and
look straight up through the bridge dome into space. Needless to say Gina
played her part perfectly and allowed me to indulge myself completely.
It was glorious! Later we went back to Quarks and drank.
Here are some more pictures.
Captain Logan visits Quarks Bar on DS9

Gina at a DS9 Replicator.

In the bar at Quarks.

Gina and the mini-Borg Sphere we shared on our second trip.