Poor grammar.
Adult themes.
Strange opinions.
Obscure references.
Foul language.
Utter madness.
Okay, that's it, you have been warned!

Gomez and Morticia

Just a couple of quick shots of Gina and I as Morticia and Gomez Addams
from this past Saturday.
Just wanted to share this:
The Onion has been more near miss than hit lately for me, but this one
had me laughing out loud.
Here is the deal, you can see me mugging for the camera on "Engineering
an Empire: Greece" on the History Channel. I show up about 14
minutes into the episode as the king, Agamemnon. There are some good close
up moments and then I'm killed. (Yes, that is my bloody arm.) The show
is scheduled to run a few more time at least. For me the coolest thing
about it is that now I can say I've worked on a project hosted by Peter
Stop me if you've heard this one . . .
Did you hear the one about my car getting stolen?
True story! Someone came into my house while I was here asleep and stole
Gina's purse and then stole the new Car right out of the drive way. Naturally
we called the police and they leapt into action building a case . . .
against us, then my daughter, then my daughter's friends. In the end it
turned out that there was a rash of similar thefts in the area and I think
they eventually caught the guy. Who it turns out had no connection to
us whatsoever. Meanwhile our car was recovered and is only slightly worse
for wear. There's a lot more to this story but that's all I'm going to
relate here, except to say that the timing could not have possibly been
worse. We were just scraping by when this whole affair went down and needless
to say it wiped us out. I had to borrow money from friends and relatives
just make ends meet. Well, not so much meet as wave to each other, sort
of forlornly, across a great chasm.
Thank you to those of you who came to our rescue.
Meanwhile, life, such as it is, goes on.
I am working again, which very good news not only for me, but for the
good folks who have lent me money. Also my new job is pretty nice and
much closer to home. I've only been there a couple of weeks but I dare
say it's going to work out for all concerned. That is to say I need the
money and they like my work. So far so good.
Gina is continuing to work on movies and television shows and we're still
looking for her to get that last waiver so she can join SAG and hopefully
start making some real money out of this acting thing. Not that I can
afford the initial SAG fee at the moment, but never mind that now, we'll
cross that flaming, threadbare, rope bridge when we come to it.
There is no shortage of other bad news as well, but I shall spare you
my friends and stoically keep the real tragic stuff that keeps me up all
night to myself. No need to thank me it just the kind of guy I am. Here
are some pictures of our most recent antics which, let's face it, is the
real reason any of you come here at all.
First up some shots from us on the set of Red Legged Devils.
A special shout out to our good friend Steve L. who took these.

Gina as the Wacky Willaimsburg Wanda

This excellent shot of our hero as you will not see me in the film.

And finally this shot of me as I appear in the film as William Otto Beck.
Great work Steve, Thanks!
Next up some shots from the local Renn Fair

Here is a good shot of me and an old friend Brian F.

This is me as a Satyr. Believe me this picture does not do the costume
justice. I have real hooves when I wear this. People are constantly
looking at my feet and doing double takes. |

Here is Gina doing her Cobweb character.
Together we're ready at a moments notice for a production of
"A Midsummer Night's Dream"
"What hempen home-spuns have we swaggering here,
So near the cradle of the fairy queen?
What, a play toward! I'll be an auditor;
An actor too, perhaps, if I see cause."
- Puck |
Also recently Gina and I did a shoot with Shane and many
of our buddies from "Revelations"
To see some behind the scene stuff check it out here.
More later. Sleep now. |