Latest news
April 26, 2005
Online interview
with Shane by Comic
Geek Speak.
Audio only. Explains a lot of what Shane and company were thinking
. . . and what they were hoping for.
April 26, 2005
Still more "Revelations" in the news.
Here are a couple of quick links to folks who are talking about
The Can Magazine has a very positive review here.
C-Net gives us an honorable mention of sorts here.
And C-Net has another here. has an article
about the film and local 328
As well as reprint of the Tish Wells - Knight Ridder article here.
NFHQ has a short review here.
And the hits just keep coming.
Still not sure where this wave is heading, but man, what a ride.
I had to totally remove the quick time file of the movie from my
site altogether because people were apparently just going
to the Google cached version of my page and finding the link there
and burning through my bandwidth like a lightsaber cutting through
April 25, 2005
George Lucas announces new Star Wars
Television Series!
Well good, finally. I mean there have been
five Star Trek television series' and not one serious, live action,
Star Wars series. Why not?
So, let's see what we have here, he says it will have original characters
(good, good we like stories about other
Jedi.) Almost no characters from episodes
I through III, (uh huh, sounds good.)
And it will take place between Episodes III and IV and . . . (HEY!
Wait a minute! This is starting to sound a little too familiar!!!)
The central story will revolve around the destruction of the Jedi
Temple and a lost artifact?!!!
(Okay I made that last part up . . . but
still. One has to wonder why he didn't pick up the story right after
Return of the Jedi. With the Jedi coming back into power and the
galaxy wide open for new adventures aplenty. Hmmmmm.
Still if there is to be a new series, I'll certainly be watching.
Also I know a good director and some kickass CG guys with just the
right kind of experience for such a project, not to mention a couple
of actors looking for a break.)
April 24, 2005
Where can you go to see Revelations?
Here is the main mirror site hosted by the brilliant and wonderful
Zap also tell us that "2000 DVD's has been downloaded
so far (disk #1) and over 21 Terabytes of revelations data has been
shuffled around the net. "
Also while you are there check out the video's from the premiere
Fun stuff.
Thanks ZAP!
April 18, 2005
Photo by Jim Norcross
I think this shot says it all. Thanks
Sun Revelations Review
A really good article by John Coffren who calls my performance as
Declan "grand".
There really is just too much to tell here. The Premiere went off,
if not smoothly, at least successfully as seen from the outside.
There was a lot more drama behind the scenes than there was on the
screen, to tell the truth, but we pulled it off. There really is
too much to tell, but we'll cover it all here in the days to come.
March 19, 2005
(From the Revelations site:)
"Revelations" Fanzine
Now open to all...
well, with us getting so close to the release and premiere
of "Revelations" we thought we would open up the Official
"Revelations" Fanzine to give you even more insight to
the production and film. The fanzine was a feature our sponsors
got to enjoy in getting the inside scoop with interviews, articles,
and the current progress of the film as we were making it. Now we
are making it available for you to read and enjoy as well. So dive
back through the months and see what all happened and what went
into making "Revelations"!
March 16, 2005
Frank (Declan) Stands up for Revelations
A few friendly notes here to some of the curious out there:
No one is saying that this work is perfect. It has its flaws, as
most project do, but I read some of the post some people were putting
out yesterday and while Shane has decided not to address any of
that at this point, (partly because he's so busy trying to get the
film through post production, and manage the premiere, and partly
because he's on the verge of nervous exhaustion) I feel I must step
up and set a few things straight.
First of all Gina and I did not really know Shane and the crew of
Panic Struck prior to this, except as competitors. Shane thought
Gina would be good for the role after seeing some of her work. While
it is true I rode Gina's coattails into the project, once Shane
saw a little more of what I could do, he asked the writers to write
a little more into the script for me. I am grateful and I will let
those scenes speak for themselves. The point is no one cast their
girlfriend in this thing! Furthermore all this talk of the girls
being ugly is just stupid and petty. All of the girls are quite
simply, stunningly attractive if you meet them in person. Of course
the fact that I'm married to one does mean that I am a bit biased.
A lot of people have come out saying the acting is poor. This is
simply and completely unfair. You can not and should not try to
judge the acting of an entire production based on a trailer, especially
with a fan film. For one thing the takes that were used in the trailer
may not be the same takes as what you see in the final movie, this
happens even in professional movies. Furthermore you're seeing,
what you are seeing completely out of context. For example; the
scene with Taryn (Gina) saying "she lied to me" "she
used me" is cut with scenes of characters fighting. That's
for the trailer. That's not the way you are going it see it in the
movie. In the actual film this is part of a highly emotionally charged
scene. So why then did they use it in the trailer? They used it
in the trailer because it's what was available at the time. This
is the same reason Shane used the music from the actual Star Wars
movies in the trailer. The plan had always been to have an original
score but it wasn't done at that point.
With respect to the fighting, we did in fact have a dedicated fight
coordinator and he did a splendid job. Here again it's a matter
of context and available footage. When you actually see the finished
fights in context, not only do they look good, but they actually
help carry the story along.
As to the trailer itself, while we have all had the experience of
going to a movie and realizing that all the best parts were in the
trailer, this I assure you is not the case here. With a low budget
fan film, trailers and teasers are released, not after the project
is done to show of the best of what has been done, they are released
to coincide with local conventions using what is available. Shane
had a lot of tough decisions to make about the trailer and he decided
to be deliberately vague as to story details, character motivations
and so on. He didn't want to give too much away and whether I agreed
with everything he did or not at the time, I want to make it clear
that I stand by his work now.
Rest assured that the finished project is far more polished than
the trailer. We went back into the studio and did a lot of voiceover
work to get rid of any of the ambient background sounds that you
can clearly hear in the trailer.
The CG in the trailer, while stunning, is in many cases just not
finished. I clearly remember Shane saying that some of it was just
above video game level in his opinion and that he was going to go
back and rework it. Now when I watch some of the more finished stuff
I am truly amazed. In some cases I was there, in the shot, and I
can't tell you what was real and what was added later.
This movie was shot over a long period of time; sometimes on a location,
like the quarry, the caves or the bar, sometimes in the studio (green
screen and all), sometimes on a set that we built. This was done
to add to the scale and scope of the project. Shane decided early
on to avoid the forest world that you see in so many other low budget
productions. Also extra care was taken to avoid some of the more
overused clichés, no one was allowed to say 'I have a bad
feeling about this' for instance. (Actually there's a good shot
of Gina looking right at the camera and doing exactly that on the
blooper reel.) A tremendous amount of work, prescreening and even
re-shooting was done to bring this fan film to a whole new level.
Add to this the sound effects and new original score and believe
me when I tell you the best is yet to come. As I have said before,
say now, and will continue to say; we are very proud of this entire
project. We believe in this project and in all the people who helped
make it a reality.
Not all the links below still work but some of them do and they
are worth checking out.
P.P.S. for more links and info check out my blog:
March 15, 2005
The entire Panicstruckpro site is down.
The news on our little project is out and the response is overwhelmingly
positive. Thanks to everyone.
Mirror site available here.
Keep in mind that the Premiere at the Senator itself is totally
sold out (with a substantial waiting list) but some tickets are
available for the black tie Gala afterwards.
Of course with the site down I'm not certain you can really make
any new reservations but when it comes up again I would not wait
too long if you want to make it to the party at all.
February 7, 2005
Gina and I just got back from shooting the behind
the scenes interviews for the additional features on the DVD. I
had a good time and joked about someone mentioning the alternate
title "I Declan, Hero of the Rebellion" that might
have been used, much to the amusement of the writers. All in all
it went really well and I know that Shane and Jack will deliver
a professional quality DVD that will be simply stunning.
As an aside the current plan being discussed is to make it plain
that copying, and passing around the DVD are encouraged to discourage
anyone trying to make any money by selling it at conventions later.
There are a lot of things going on right now. The Farpoint Convention
is coming up this weekend and they are planning to show the first
five minutes of the movie. Those lucky enough to see it will see
lots of panoramic shots that really establish the feel of the Star
Wars universe and the overall quality of the movie. The effect is
overwhelming with its original score and special effects that will
leave a lot of professional producers wondering where the hell their
money went in their own films.
The Premiere and Gala Party are selling out faster than anyone could
have expected. In fact if you are reading this after February 25th
it's probably already too late but check with the powers that be
Premier Link Here.
December 2004
The Gina Hernandez Online
The Frank Hernandez Online Acting
Both by Panic Struck Productions
If you haven't seen it yet, go check out the official
Panic Struck Productions "Revelations"
film site.
and the brand new official Panic Struck Productions
Gina and I are both going a few more times for pick-up shots and looping.
Very cool stuff.
October 2004
Revelations Site Update now underway.
The music for the FLASH on the opening page is from
the movies original soundtrack.
How cool is that?
Click the image to go Check it out.
September 2004
Rumor has it the the premiere date will be April 16th of 2005. A
site with details on how to get in and see the movie, go to the
party, and rent a hotel room is being built even as we speak. More
details as they become available.
June 2004
Okay here is the latest; there is news of a tentative premier date
for sometime in April 2005. Can't say too much here, but things
are moving along. Lot's of promotional stuff and activity, and of
course they're still trying to finish the movie.
February 2004
The latest news was the premier of the new, incredible, trailer
at Farpoint Feb. 14th, 2004.
The response of the crowd was overwhelming and very rewarding for
both Gina and I after all the work we've put into this project.
Having said that let me just add that the total work we've done
doesn't even measure up against what Shane and Dawn have put in.
They truly deserve all the credit. Honestly, we're honored just
to be able to call them our friends. That goes for the whole crew
at Panicstruck. Sarah, Jack, Nick - you guys are the best.
We've put a lot into this but we've gotten so much more out of it,
in the friends we've made, and the experience we've gained, that
it hardly seems fair. While we're doling out thanks and credits
let's not forget the CG folk who are currently working so hard to
finish this. If this latest trailer is any indication you guys are
going to put this project over the top.
Also at Farpoint, Gina and I, along with other members of the cast
and crew got to participate in the "How to make a fan film"
panel. The first hour was in the main ballroom right before one
of the major guests was scheduled to speak. (Now that's timing!)
We had been a little nervous about it, but it turned out to be great
fun. Everyone talked about his or her commitment and contributions
to Revelations and related some great stories about how it
all happened.