Gina and Frank's Famous On-line
Wedding Album
The weather was perfect that day, June
19th 1999.
After what had seemed like a lifetime of problems, wrong turns, and waiting,
we had finally found each other, and this was our time.
This Time
This Day
This Love

The Church on a perfect day!
The Quartet
warms up before we begin.

Nick and Talia

Trystan and Jessica

Brian and Adrianne

Tim and Michele

The Flower Girl.

Gina and I

Down the Aisle

The Ceremony!

The exchange of vows.

A solemn but happy moment.

Married at last!

Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Hernandez













Inside the Limo.

The Girls.

Vera and the Limo!
The Candle.




"The search is over."
Our Dance.

The Cake

Cutting the cake.



The famous cake topper.
Talia and Erik.

The Rings.

Dad and Vera.

Gina and her

Under the tux!
What follows? ... Here are a few pictures from our honeymoon at Disney!


And me without a costume.

A coke and a smile!

Gina and Flick
Gina, Flick, and I

Gina At Disney's Japan.

The Magic Kingdom Kiss!
And they lived happily ever after . . .
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