Frank's list of the best of the best!
Looking for some insight into my character, into
what makes me tick,
why I do the things I do, and say the things I say?
Don't you have anything better to do?
No! Well then, you've come to
the right place.
Here is a list of things that are really important to me.
Thoughts, quotes, ideas, media, and so on.
If there could be said
to be such a thing as magic, then books are one of the places it must hide.
"Books are the carriers of civilization."
- Henry David Thoreau
The Singularity is Near by Raymond Kurzweil
The race for the future is on! Will we win?
"One conversation centered on the ever accelerating progress of technology and changes in the mode of human life,
which gives the appearance of approaching some essential singularity in the history of the race
beyond which human affairs, as we know them, could not continue."
Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
One of the most important books
ever written!
"But money is only a tool. It will take you wherever
you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver.
It will give you the
means for the satisfaction of your desires, but it will not provide you with desires."
- Francisco d'Anconia
The Art Of War by Sun Tzu
The standard
for those looking to learn strategy.
". . . supreme excellence consists
in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."
Tai-Pan by James Clavell
A treatise on leadership, and a thrilling saga.
tai-pan is always alone. That's the joy of it and the hurt of it."
- Dirk Struan
Illusions by Richard Bach
A strange and wonderful
"Your friends will know you better in the first minute you meet
than your acquaintances will know you in a thousand years."
Guns of the South by Harry Turtledove
An alternate history with
characterizations so strong, I feel like I've met them.
"You Southerners
may have made the Confederacy into a nation,
General Lee, but what sort of
nation shall it be?"
- Lord Lyons
The Vampire Lestat by Anne Rice
The vampire saga from the vampire's point of view.
knowledge may change you somewhat.
That's all knowledge ever really does,
I suppose . . "
- Marius
I, Robot by Isaac Asimov
I know this one dates me, but I don't care, I love it.
"A robot may
not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to
A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where
such orders would conflict with the First Law.
A robot must protect its own
existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second
The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas
better to count on people's faults than on their virtues.
Father Aramis,
you're a great philosopher!"
- Athos
The Count of Monte
Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
"I want to be Providence, for the greatest,
the most beautiful and the most sublime thing I know of in this world
is to reward and to punish."
- Edmond Dantes / The Count of Monte
Anthem by Ayn Rand
"I understood that centuries
of chains and lashes will not kill the spirit of man
nor the sense of truth
within him."
- Equality 7-2521 / Prometheus
A Christmas
Carol by Charles Dickens
Its religious connotation's and subtext aside,
this is a great book.
"Or would you know, the weight and length of
the strong coil you bear yourself?
It was full as heavy and as long as this,
seven Christmas Eves ago.
You have laboured on it since.
It is a ponderous
- Jacob Marley
Stranger In A Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein
"Whenever anyone comes here to live, I make
it plain that this is neither a sweat shop nor a whore house, but a home . . .
and, as such, it combines anarchy and tyranny without a trace of democracy,
as in any well-run family,
i.e., they are on their own except where I give
orders, which orders are not subject to debate."
- Jubal Harshaw
Job: A Comedy Of Justice by Robert A. Heinlein
"Don't bow down or
offer worship. Just stand your ground and tell the truth.
If you die, die
with dignity"
- Jerry Farnsworth / Satan
What can I say, I love
Broadway shows, but I only like a few.
On the other hand I haven't
seen too many of them either, so if your favorite isn't listed,
just assume
I haven't seen it yet.
Gina and I were lucky enough to see this show with the original NY cast.
Simply unbelievable!
"So let's find a bar, So dark we forget who we
Where all the scars of the nevers and maybes die"
- Mimi
Jesus Christ Superstar
I picked up the new version of this on DVD and I can't stop watching it.
"Put away your sword, Don't you know that it's all over
It was nice
but now it's gone, Why are you obsessed with fighting?
Stick to fishing from
now on"
- Jesus
Gina and I saw this with Adam Pascal from Rent and it was really something.
"To sail away to half discovered places
To see the secrets so few eyes
have seen
To see moments of enchantment on our faces
The moments when
we smile . . .
and those between."
- Radames
Yes children, like many
I enjoy a drop of the grape now and again.
Unlike most I'm very, very, fussy
about what I drink, when I drink, and with whom I drink.
"One drink
is just right; two is too many; three are too few."
- Spanish Proverb
This is just half Saki and half Plum
Wine over ice.
My favorite drink of all time.
and Tonic
I like this with a one third gin to tonic mix, and lots of limes
and a few lemons sliced up and mixed in.
The perfect drink for hot summer
days, and easily passed off as lemonade.
No contest here. I'd rather eat sushi than anything else.
OK, almost anything else.)
Pizza with Pineapple
My next choice is quality Pizza with fresh chucks of pineapple on it.
I worked in a pizza place when I was younger so I'm very fussy about how it taste.
I don't collect them anymore, but I still thought I would make mention of
the best of the ones I've ever read.
The Dark Knight Returns
by Frank Miller
The definitive piece on Batman.
"This should be agony.
I should be a mass of aching muscle - - broken, spent, unable to move.
were I an older man, I surely would . . . but I'm a man of thirty . . . of twenty
The rain on my chest is a baptism - - I'm born again."
- Batman
The Watchmen by Alan Moore
An original universe
with awesome and very mature themes and characters.
"Stood in firelight,
sweltering. Bloodstain on chest like map of violent new continent. Felt cleansed.
Felt dark planet turn under my feet and knew what cats know that makes them
scream like babies in night.
Looked at sky through smoke heavy with human
fat and God was not there.
The cold, suffocating dark goes on forever,
and we are alone."
- Rorschach
Kingdom Come by Mark
Waid and Alex Ross
The combination of art and story here are enthralling.
"Heroes act in a certain way. This isn't it."
- Superman
It wasn't the Graphic Novel but it was still really good.
"I've walked across the sun.
I've seen events so tiny and so fast they hardly can be said have occurred at all,
but you... you are a man.
And this world's smartest man means no more to me
than does its smartest termite."
- Dr. Manhattan
V for Vendetta
Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici.
"By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe."
- V
Lord of the Rings:
(The entire trilogy!)
These are simply brilliant films and an awesome, staggering, production.
Aragorn: "I promise, I will not let the White City fall or our people
Boromir: "Our people, our people! I would have followed
you to the end...
my brother... my captain... my king!"
All of
them except 5. That never happened! It was just a bad dream, really.
I love
Star Trek. I love the whole Star Trek universe.
"If Spock were here, he'd
say that I was an irrational,
illogical human being for going on a
mission like this . . .
Sounds like fun!"
- James T. Kirk
Ridley Scott's sense
of life matches mine so well in this movie that it never fails to move me.
"What we do in life, echoes in eternity."
- Maximus
Blade Runner
Another Ridley Scott Opus. I love this one too. The imagery, characters, and music,
simply overwhelm me.
"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.
Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.
I watched C-beams glitter
in the dark near the Tannhauser gate.
All those moments will be lost in time,
like tears in rain.
Time to die."
- Roy Batty:
the first one! Good direction, good story, original idea, great music.
MacLeod: "How do you fight such a savage?"
Ramirez: "With
heart, faith, and steel. In the end, there can be only one."
Circle of Iron
AKA: The Silent Flute
A martial arts movie? Must be seen to be believed.
"Each morning
when I awake like a scholar at his first class.
I prepare a blank mind for
the day, to write upon."
- The Blind Man
Great stuff! An all too
plausible look at a future of genetic engineering and control.
want to know how I did it? This is how I did it Anton:
I never saved anything
for the swim back."
- Vincent Freeman / Jerome Morrow
The Day the Earth Stood Still
A timeless masterpiece.
"I am impatient with stupidity. My people
have learned to live without it."
- Klaatu
2001 - A Space
A classic!
"I am putting myself to the fullest possible use,
which is all
I can think that any conscious entity can ever hope to do."
- Hal
Logan's Run
Another classic!
"Look! Don't you understand?! It's different
now because it's me! My life!"
- Logan 5
Ralph Bakshi's imaginative
animated classic
"I've got stuff that'll take twenty years to kill
you . . .
and you'll be screaming for mercy in the first five seconds."
- Avatar
The Nightmare before Christmas
I love this Halloween spin
on Christmas.
"Bumpy sleigh ride Jack?!"
- Santa
Another holiday favorite.
"For a few hours, out of the entire year;
we are the people we always hoped we would be."
- Frank Cross
Completely juvenile, but somehow still very funny.
Rex Kramer: "Standby Striker. Our one hope is to build this man up, I've
got to give him all the confidence I can.
Striker- have you ever flown a
multi-engine plane before?"
Striker: "NO, never."
Rex Kramer: (Radio still on) "SHIT! This is a God damned waste of time,
there's no way he can land that plane."
MCrosky: "Grab a
hold of yourself, you gotta talk him down, you gotta."
Rex Kramer:
"We ought to route him in Lake Michigan, at least we'll avoid killing
innocent people."
There's an old saying that talking about music is like dancing about architecture.
Well then, let us dance; as a non-musician, and a poet, lyrics are very important
to me.
I like music that is theatrical.
Always my first choice. I'd rather listen to Rush than anything else.
Rush is still better than good everything else.
going fast, The nights growing colder
Children growing up, Old friends growing
For more notes on Rush see my poetry
Jethro Tull
Ian Anderson's work really stands out for
"We'll wait in stone circles, `til the force comes through,
lines joint in faint discord, and the stormwatch brews
a concert of kings,
as the white sea snaps,
at the heels of a soft prayer,
The old stuff, and the whole Highlander soundtrack
were just incredible.
"But touch my tears with your lips, Touch my
world with your fingertips,
And we can have forever, And we can love forever"
Steve Vai
Passion and Warfare, listen to it, nothing I could
say here will make any difference.
"I'm fearless in my heart. They
will always see that in my eyes.
I am the Passion; I am The Warfare. I will
never stop . . .
Always constant, accurate, . . . intense!"
Steve Vai
"Accurate is my middle word."
- Original
Go West
For really tasty pop fun and romantic lyrics
you can't beat these guys.
"The day that we're together, Well
it can't come to soon.
Baby, I will be the sun, You'll be the moon"
I get a bit of heat for liking this guy as much as I do.
"Forever conditioned to believe that we can't live
We can't live
here and be happy with less
So many riches, so many souls
we see we want to possess"
Peter Gabriel
Great stuff! I know the whole album by heart.
"Though you may disappear,
you're not forgotten here
And I will say to you, I will do what I can do"
The old stuff. Very theatrical, very good on shady
summer days.
"They've got no horns and they've got no tail
don't even know of our existence"
These guys were almost completely unkown but they still ruled.
to his end the old man came Death told him "You'll not die in vain"
And on
his lips the fatal kiss was placed
But from within his falling chest
The old man uttered one last breath
And had we heard his parting word
We'd know that he had said . . ."
Here are some of my favorite quotes:
Original Quotes
"Sarcasm is the bastard child of a stunted intellect."
"Enlightenment isn't a possession, it isn't something
that you get and thereafter you have.
It's something that you chase and only
truly have, when you're really reaching for it."
- Original
"You can kill me. You can take away the rest of my life and any time I
might otherwise have lived.
However I am not afraid to die because you can't
take away the life I've already lived.
In leading the life I've led I have
already won. Hell, I didn't think I'd live this long.
You can't change the
past or the nature of who I really am and what you really are."
"I never trouble myself with seeking revenge.
those who have wronged me wake up each morning, they're still themselves and I'm
still me.
What further revenge could I seek?"
- Original
"The sensation that I am living in a mirror universe of bearded Spocks
and Personal Guards has become overwhelming."
- Original
"Look at the universe! There is no place for your primitive, superstition
They are not, taken all together, worth the skinned knee of one
let alone all the lives you have sacrificed to them."
- Original
"Your life belongs to you, live it well.
it head on, face first, and accept no excuses for circumstances or misfortune."
- Original
"Life is too short for prejudice, bigotry, and all
the other assorted forms of hatred born from fear.
Try to look beyond your
narrow perspective and see the beauty of humanity as it is,
and not as you
would have it."
- Original
Some humerous quotes
"These are the worst powers ever. 'Predict the past', What the hell
was I thinking?"
- Patrick Flanagan
(From one
of our late night RPG sessions.)
"Pepper in my cheese?!
For this perfidy the devastation will not cease for ten thousand years!"
- Patrick Flanagan
"I can't live the button-down life like you.
I want it all! The terrifying lows, the dizzying highs, the creamy middles!
I might offend a few of the blue-noses with my cocky stride and
musky odors--Oh,
I'll never be the darling of the so-called "City Fathers" who cluck their tounges,
stroke their beards, and talk about 'What's to be done with this Homer Simpson?'"
Homer Simpson (The Simpsons)
"What is your fascination with my forbidden
closet of mystery?"
- Chief Wiggum (The Simpsons)
learned that life is one crushing defeat after another until you just wish Flanders
was dead."
- Homer Simpson (The Simpsons)
never been a praying man, but if you're up there, save me Superman!"
- Homer Simpson (The Simpsons)
"Jesus, Allah, Buddha
- I love you all!"
- Homer Simpson (The Simpsons)
look at me! I'm making people happy!
I'm the magical man from Happyland,
in a gumdrop house on Lollipop Lane!"
- Homer Simpson (The Simpsons)
wish god were alive to see this."
- Homer Simpson (The Simpsons)
"When I was a boy of 14 my father was so ignorant
I could hardly stand to have the old man around.
But when I got to be 21,
I was astonished at how much he had learned in 7 years."
- Mark Twain
Important Quotes
"Integrity without knowledge
is weak and useless,
and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful."
- Samuel Johnson
(With thanks to Timothy Riess.)
"The enemy is fear. We think it is hate; but, it is fear."
- Gandhi
"And to such among you who hate the thought of human joy,
who wish to see men's life as chronic suffering and failure, who wish men to apologize for happiness
-- or for success, or ability, or achievement, or wealth -- to such among you, I am now saying:
I wanted him, I had him, I was happy, I had known joy, a pure, full, guiltless joy.."
- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged
"The larger
the island of our knowledge, the longer the coast of our ignorance."
- Unknown
"Knowledge is power."
- Unknown
"To see what is right, and not to do it, is want of courage or of
- Confucius
"What is a friend? A single
soul dwelling in two bodies."
- Aristotle
consists not in possessing honors, but in the consciousness that we deserve them."
- Aristotle
"There is a level of cowardice lower than that of
the conformist: the fashionable nonconformist."
- Ayn Rand
"When we are young, wandering the face of the Earth,
wondering what
our dreams might be worth,
learning that we're only immortal; For a limited
- Neil Peart (Rush)
"Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance.
If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant,
if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant,
then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them…
We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant."
- Karl Popper, "The Open Society and Its Enemies"
"A Rattlesnake, if cornered will become so angry it will bite itself.
That is exactly what the harboring of hate and resentment against others is - a biting of oneself.
We think we are harming others in holding these spites and hates,
but the deeper harm is to ourselves."
- E. Stanley Jones
"Some men never seem to grow
Always active in thought, always ready to adopt new ideas, they are
never chargeable with fogyism.
Satisfied, yet ever dissatisfied, settled,
yet ever unsettled, they always enjoy the best of what is,
are the first
to find the best of what will be."
-William Shakespeare
die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste death but once."
- William Shakespeare "Julius Caesar"
"Be careful what you pretend
to be, because you are what you pretend to be."
- Kurt Vonnegut
"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars."
- Oscar Wilde
"I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until
I prayed with my legs."
- Frederick Douglass (On escaping slavery)
"All cruelty springs from weakness."
- Seneca
"Anger, if not restrained, is frequently more hurtful to us than the injury
that provokes it."
- Seneca
"As long as you live,
keep learning how to live."
- Seneca
"If you wished
to be loved, love."
- Seneca
"This I believe: That the
free, exploring mind of the individual human is the most valuable thing in the
And this I would fight for: The freedom of the mind to take any direction
it wishes, undirected.
And this I must fight against: Any idea, religion,
or government which limits or destroys the individual."
- John Steinbeck
"The time appears to me to have come when it is the duty of all to make
their dissent from religion known."
- John Stuart Mill
only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a
civilized community,
against his will, is to prevent harm to others.
His own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient warrant."
- John Stuart Mill
"To laugh often and much; To win the respect
of intelligent people and the affection of children;
To earn the appreciation
of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;
To appreciate
beauty, to find the best in others;
To leave the world a bit better, whether
by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;
To know
even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.
This is to have
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
"It is never too late
to give up your prejudices."
- Henry David Thoreau, Walden
"Not being known doesn't stop the truth from being true."
- Richard Bach
"Let us have faith that right makes might;
and in that faith let us dare to do our duty as we understand it."
- Abraham Lincoln
"I look to a day when people will not be judged
by the color of their skin,
but by the content of their character."
- Martin Luther King Jr.
"Honesty is the first chapter of the
book of wisdom."
- Thomas Jefferson
"Live as if
your were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."
- Mahatma Gandhi
"Consider your origin; you were not born to
live like brutes, but to follow virtue and knowledge."
- Dante Alighieri,
The Divine Comedy
"The purpose of morality is to teach you, not
to suffer and die, but to enjoy yourself and live."
- Ayn Rand (as
John Galt in Atlas Shrugged.)
The single most powerful, influential, medium ever devised; and look at what we
do with it.
Most television is just terrible, but there are a few exceptions.
Star Trek
worst Trek is better than almost anything else on TV.
Of the series' The Next
Generation still stands out as my favorite.
"The first duty of a Starfleet
officer is to the truth; be it scientific truth, historical truth, personal truth.
It is the guiding principle on which Starfleet was founded!"
- Captain
Dr. Who
Fifth Doctor: [Touched, raises his hat in salute] "To days to come."
Tenth Doctor: "All my love to long ago."
I love the new Doctor Who but I still can't get into the older stuff.
Patrick Flanagan once epxlained the older Dr. Who to me this way:
"Dr. Who is a really excellent radio show, that is televised for some reason."
"Tell me what it means to be human in the twenty-first century."
- Captain Jack Harkness
As much as I love the New Dr. Who I really love this dark, wild, mature spinoff.
Battlestar Galactica
(The new one.)
I really hated the way this ended but cannot fault it for it's drama and story telling.
Really great! Edward James Olmos as an actor is inspirational.
Really well written, detailed and
interesting to watch.
I love the fact that the good guys (the humans) are polytheists and the bad guys (cylons) are monotheists.
"The dignity and integrity of the human race ride with us."
-Admiral Adama
(The television miniseries)
can watch this nonstop, straight through, and quote most of it.
A wonderful
production based on a really great book.
Also Toshiro Mifune reminds me of
my father.
"They fear nothing, least of all death."
- Vasco
All of them. I love this show, as well
as The Day the Universe Changed.
"Never before in History has so many,
known so little, about so much."
- James Burke
The Simpsons
Simply the funniest
show ever made.
"They have the Internet on computers, now?"
Homer Simpson
Black Adder
Another very funny series. I like them all, but season two was the best.
"To you Baldrick, the renaissance was just something that happened to
other people wasn't it?"
- Edmund Blackadder
![]() | ![]() |
The TV series; it didn't exactly follow the first movie
but the characters
were good and it more than stands up by itself.
"It's good to be a
- Methos
The original series.
"Wherever you are, I will be with you. Wherever
I am, you will be with me."
- Kwai Chang Caine
The Twilight
The old original Rod Serling show.
"You unlock this door with the key of imagination.
Beyond it
is another dimension- a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension
of mind.
You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things
and ideas.
You've just crossed over into the Twilight Zone."
- Introduction
The Inner Light
Trek: The Next Generation:
My choice for the best hour of television ever.
Picard/Kamin: "Seize
the time Meribor! Live now!
Make now, always, the most precious time
of all.
Now will never come again."
Meribor: "I love
you father."
Mirror, Mirror
Star Trek
My all
time favorite classic Trek episode.
"If change is inevitable, predictable, beneficial;
doesn't logic
demand that you be a part of it?"
- Captain James T. Kirk
The City On The Edge Of Forever
Star Trek
thank you, sit down Harlan.)
"Let me help. A hundred years or so from now, I believe,
a famous
novelist will write a classic using that theme.
He'll recommend those three
words even over 'I love you.'"
- Captain James T. Kirk
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Really good DS9 Episode.
Kira: "Why? He wasn't Gul Darhe'el!"
Bajoran: "He's a Cardassian. That's reason enough."
Kira: "No. It's
not . . ."
The Darkness
Tessa Dies.
The Obsolete Man
The Twilight Zone
state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth,
the dignity,
the rights of man, that state is obsolete.
A case to be filed under 'M' for
mankind... in the Twilight Zone."
Eye of the Beholder
Original Title: "A Private World of Darkness"
The Twilight Zone
"Now the questions
that come to mind.
Where is this place and when is it, what kind of world
where ugliness is the norm and beauty the deviation from that norm?
The answer
is, it doesn't make any difference. Because the old saying happens to be true.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, in this year or a hundred years hence,
on this planet or wherever there is human life, perhaps out among the stars.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Lesson to be learned... in the
Twilight Zone."
- Narrator